Quote Originally Posted by milan View Post
hi, i registered few minutes ago but monitor almost all your posts here for the last 3 months. i lodged my application for student visa at VFS last Feb. 26 and got the result last week, April 08. i was very dissapointed with the result coz my application was rejected and the main reason why they refused is because my name does not appear on complete list of all students enrolled at Thames Int'l College. they were not satisfied that the enrolment letter i have provided is not genuine. i have a sister who is registered nurse in UK and she was the one who personally processed my student application with Thames and paid the corresponding course fee. she got the certficate of enrolment and conditional offer and mailed this to me for my application.

please help me or give advice what will i do since the embassy accussed me that i submitted a false document!!!! my right to appeal is limited only...
Is this the only reason they gave for rejecting your application? If it is then you need to ask them to clarify why they think this letter is not genuine I would suggest also that you ask your sister if she can get a phone number and a contact name at the college who can verify that you have in fact send been enrolled, that the letter is genuine and that your course fees have been paid.

If you give them the contact details of someone in an official position at the college who can support you claim then they will have to check it out. You should ask your sister to get the person's name, title (job description), direct line phone number and e-mail address if possible.

If you supply them with this additional evidence and tell them that you intend to take it to appeal, then it's very likely that they will look at your case again before it ever gets as far as an appeal.
