I've started to write to a Filipia for a couple of months now but I'm struggling to get much conversation going within our correspondance, I try to find out more about her and her family each time I write but all I get back is basic info, she is an intelligent lady but the emails only consist of a couple of paragraphs. I describe where I live with some info about the area and discuss myself, hobbies, interests etc as well as detail about my family and try and ask a few questions each time to get to know each other but some questions she doesn't even answer. I've tried to be discreet by asking similar questions that are unanswered to get things going but with no luck.
I don't ask personal or difficult questions just normal conversational type, to be honest I've had this before with Filipinas and the correspondance has had to end as there was no point carrying on.
Is this typical of Filipinas or am I expecting too much..........over to you experts, Keith and Pete.

Any views or suggestions ??
