I was sitting in starbucks drinking a green-tea,chaos oustide,very hot day,I just wanted to relax,chill out,basically be left in peace right?But this was pinas,so I am sipping my drink,reading a newspaper and a figure hovered in my peripheral vision and politely asked in a soft male voice was the seat next to me taken(invisible man wasnt with me that day

).He sat down,and began his small talk,I answered in short non-commital sentences"Where was I from?How old was I?What was I doing in Manila?" the usual

Then the questions became a little more personal "Did I have a companion?Was I here to meet a woman?Did I have a "chick"?"I was tired,I like my own company at times,I just wanted to read a newspaper,finish my drink,and luxuriate in the aircon environment,so I fixed him with a stare and said in a low voice "Ayoko ng babae,gusto ko lang lalake,Bakla ako"

His reaction shocked me,his hand slipped onto my knee

and he almost squealed "Aiiiiii,ako rin"