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Thread: The Great [Educational] Divide

  1. #1
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    The Great [Educational] Divide

    My wife Myrna graduated BSc in Agricultural Education from the University of Southeastern Philippines back in April 1986. She subsequently taught her subject at a Government High School for twenty-two years - during which time she led her scholars to the highest level of achievement in the annual National S.T.E.P. [Student Entrepreneurs Of The Philippines] Competitions, winning the coveted award on no fewer than three occasions.

    On that basis, one would've imagined she would have no difficulty in obtaining a similar post on coming to the UK. Not so!! As far as the General Teaching Council For Scotland is concerned, her degree would be regarded here as equivalent in standard to HNC/HND only, and she would most likely be required to attend a Scottish university to update her present level of qualification, followed by a further year of study at Teacher-Training College. Now, allowing for cross-cultural differences, I can appreciate the relevance of the re-training aspect but, to my way of thinking [admittedly I'm not a graduate] a degree is a DEGREE - wherever it's attained - and, without "demeaning" the excellence of our Higher National Awards Scheme, it's mainly regarded here as a stepping-stone to a degree course and is generally studied for at a Further Education Institute, as opposed to University.

    So what IS it about this [once] "Great" Britain that confers on our 'political/intellectual' hierarchy, the "Divine Right" to believe that its educational system is superior to that of other (materially poorer) countries ... ?

    I've been told that my good lady is free to apply for assessment with a view to registration with the GTC, BUT, in order to do so she will need to enclose a [non-refundable] remittance fee of £55. Not anything like as hefty as the amount we'd to stump up for the Settlement Visa, mark you, but even so ... !

  2. #2
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    i know what you mean, well your wife is more lucky than mine

    upto now shes had to take 2 ielts exams cost £200+

    plab1 exam took her 4th attempt to pass , can only be taken in London if your in the uk, cost of exam+hotel+train = £300+ * 4 = £1,200

    and plab 2 exam
    course to help pass £500
    cost £430 + hotel+ train = £600

    only £2,500 upto now and her degree is recognised by the WHO(world health authoirty) and the GMC.

    rip off Britain, and if i was a european she wouldn't need to take the exams.

    and yes the £4,000 ive had to pay for visa's, for the wife and kids

    £6,500 its great to be british, even better if your a european

  3. #3
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    I hear their gentle voices [fellow forumers] calling, "Poor *old Joe" (I know you *AIN'T ... even tho' you do not deign to reveal your true vintage!)

    Footnote: Words attributed to an Afro-American (I think) lyric from the
    'Dark Ages' that were my schooldays.

    Seriously, though, our once-Great Empire - of which our forefathers were so justifiably proud - has rapidly degenerated into a mess, thanks to the s elected to govern it! I rest my case.

  4. #4
    Respected Member Piamed's Avatar
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    A terrible state of affairs in which it appears at times as though honest, genuine and willing economic contributors are penalised.
    Be responsible with little so that you can be trusted with much!!

  5. #5
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Arthur Little View Post
    I hear their gentle voices [fellow forumers] calling, "Poor *old Joe" (I know you *AIN'T ... even tho' you do not deign to reveal your true vintage!)
    as for me being old, depends on the age of the person asking

    as for me being 'poor' I'm definitely that , no matter what the wealth of the person asking

    thou i still have the dream of a 50in plasma , and bought with the misses wages

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