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Thread: it is posible for me to find a job here in coventry

  1. #1
    Respected Member nids123's Avatar
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    it is posible for me to find a job here in coventry

    hi is there anyone could help me to find a job here in nuneaon or coventry,bedworth as a household job. just looking for aupair job thats keps me earning for my kids r still in phil.i hv 7 year old son that i lift to my aunt to look after while im here in uk and looking for job to sopport him,i dont wanna ask my hubby to sopport me or my kids.just dont want him to purse.i want to do it myself.

  2. #2
    Respected Member IainBusby's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by nids123 View Post
    hi is there anyone could help me to find a job here in nuneaon or coventry,bedworth as a household job. just looking for aupair job thats keps me earning for my kids r still in phil.i hv 7 year old son that i lift to my aunt to look after while im here in uk and looking for job to sopport him,i dont wanna ask my hubby to sopport me or my kids.just dont want him to purse.i want to do it myself.
    Hi Nida,
    If you want to find some work pretty quick, there is a company called Maid-to-Clean which is in the Nuneaton area who already have some Filipinas working for them. It is cleaning peoples houses and they just act like an agent and although it is a set hourly rate, you have to go and visit client and negotiate how many hours you will require to do what they want you to do. You're actually paid directly by the customer in cash and will be responsible for your own tax and national insurance.

    Their telephone number is 0800 043 0233.

    It may not be what you want in the long run, but Louella done some work for them before she found a full time job and she said it was OK.

    How are you finding life in the UK, are you enjoying this new experience?

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by nids123 View Post
    hi is there anyone could help me to find a job here in nuneaon or coventry,bedworth as a household job. just looking for aupair job thats keps me earning for my kids r still in phil.i hv 7 year old son that i lift to my aunt to look after while im here in uk and looking for job to sopport him,i dont wanna ask my hubby to sopport me or my kids.just dont want him to purse.i want to do it myself.
    There are cleaning jobs in your area Nids. If you are not picky/choosy in looking for a job. Try to visit You need to have a copy of your CV as employers ask for it but sometimes they have their own application form. You must apply your NI number before you apply a job so call them asap. Here's some info:

    If you want to apply for an NI number to start work or make voluntary contributions - Telephone 0845 600 0643 (8.00 am to 6.00 pm Monday to Friday).

    You can also buy a local newspaper in your area and look for job ads.
    If there's small business close to your area, don't be shy to ask if there's any vacancy for u.


  4. #4
    Respected Member nids123's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by IainBusby View Post
    Hi Nida,
    If you want to find some work pretty quick, there is a company called Maid-to-Clean which is in the Nuneaton area who already have some Filipinas working for them. It is cleaning peoples houses and they just act like an agent and although it is a set hourly rate, you have to go and visit client and negotiate how many hours you will require to do what they want you to do. You're actually paid directly by the customer in cash and will be responsible for your own tax and national insurance.

    Their telephone number is 0800 043 0233.

    It may not be what you want in the long run, but Louella done some work for them before she found a full time job and she said it was OK.

    How are you finding life in the UK, are you enjoying this new experience?
    hi ian thanks for the number u gv me i will try to call this later.its help me a lot and not worried for my son in pi.about the life here in ukits fine with just verycold.but i will get use to hubby help me tolook for rice and fish as my favorite food and vegetables.he take me to shop to buy acoat and my filipino foods hehehehe.

  5. #5
    Respected Member nids123's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by pennybarry View Post
    There are cleaning jobs in your area Nids. If you are not picky/choosy in looking for a job. Try to visit You need to have a copy of your CV as employers ask for it but sometimes they have their own application form. You must apply your NI number before you apply a job so call them asap. Here's some info:

    If you want to apply for an NI number to start work or make voluntary contributions - Telephone 0845 600 0643 (8.00 am to 6.00 pm Monday to Friday).

    You can also buy a local newspaper in your area and look for job ads.
    If there's small business close to your area, don't be shy to ask if there's any vacancy for u.

    thank you pennyberry im not really picky ill work anything as long is a decent job,anything that i can earn for my kids in pi thanks for the help i already have made an apointment t job centerplus for my nin so ill check there too adn also ill try to call the number that ian gv me.thank you so much.

  6. #6
    Respected Member Tawi2's Avatar
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    Nids,your character comes across as very strong I am sure you will find what your looking for,never give up,a friend of mine in Davao married a guy from Oxford and came to UK a year ago,he was working days at the time and she was very bored,now she has THREE jobs and is learning to drive Dont give up and good luck

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by nids123 View Post
    thank you pennyberry im not really picky ill work anything as long is a decent job,anything that i can earn for my kids in pi thanks for the help i already have made an apointment t job centerplus for my nin so ill check there too adn also ill try to call the number that ian gv me.thank you so much.

    That's great Nids. I'm sure you can find job asap if you're not picky. Most filipinas are not picky looking for a job when they newly arrived. They just study later on for career advancement.

    Goodluck once again.

  8. #8
    Respected Member somebody's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by nids123 View Post
    hi is there anyone could help me to find a job here in nuneaon or coventry,bedworth as a household job. just looking for aupair job thats keps me earning for my kids r still in phil.i hv 7 year old son that i lift to my aunt to look after while im here in uk and looking for job to sopport him,i dont wanna ask my hubby to sopport me or my kids.just dont want him to purse.i want to do it myself.
    Good Luck Nids

    Looks like others have some good suggestions for you.

    Like Penneybarry mentions dont forget to apply for NI asap. Plenty of info on here and of course plenty with Practical experience of applying who Im sure will help
    Oh lord why did you make so many clothes and shoe shops

  9. #9
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    Goodluck Nids
    It's good to have money and the things that money can buy, but it's good to check up once in a while to make sure you haven't lost the things that money can't buy.

  10. #10
    Respected Member cheesewiz's Avatar
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    good luck wont be jobless if you're not picky try to work as a carer that's the job always available bec only few wants to do it aside from not a very good money on it but job is a job as they said specially this global recessesion right now any job will do.

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    Quote Originally Posted by nids123 View Post
    hi is there anyone could help me to find a job here in nuneaon or coventry,bedworth as a household job. just looking for aupair job thats keps me earning for my kids r still in phil.i hv 7 year old son that i lift to my aunt to look after while im here in uk and looking for job to sopport him,i dont wanna ask my hubby to sopport me or my kids.just dont want him to purse.i want to do it myself.
    hi nids,
    apply first your national insurance number ask in your local jobcentre how can you apply,then if you national number already dont be shy to ask application form anywhere,or try in HOMES as a care assistant,ya its hard to ask to our hubby good luck

  12. #12
    Respected Member tiger@tigress's Avatar
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    Goodluck Nids,
    You will find job soon there are loads of job waiting for you.....
    tiger tigress

    ♥♥♥♥Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength, While loving someone deeply gives you courage♥♥♥♥.

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