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Thread: Jobcentre plus.......

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  1. #1
    Respected Member
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    Jobcentre plus.......

    Well today we had the delight of an appointment at the jobcentre to gain a national insurance number for Chryss.
    What a depressing experience that was......
    I can`t imagine that any of the people down there have had a job for years.
    Their attire and attitude was very poor.
    One bloke wore diesel trainers, jogging bottoms, sleeveless top and a camouflage hat!
    Now i`m well aware that its not a job interview and you don`t need to wear a suit but come on. Resembling some sort of spiv and having a go at the desk worker isnt a good attitude.
    As for the rest of them, well, one bloke couldnt keep his eyes open and had slurred speach great
    I feel for the genuine jobless but that rabble hadnt worked in ages.
    And another thing, I think about 75% of the people there, regardless of age, had the tongues of their trainers pulled up!
    Whats that all about?

  2. #2
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    They are not looking for a job, they just have to turn up to get benefit.
    Keith - Administrator

  3. #3
    Respected Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Win2Win View Post
    They are not looking for a job, they just have to turn up to get benefit.
    Unfortunately I think your right.
    It`s a shame for all the people that really are looking for work that they could get caught it the vicious circle.
    I hope the recession wont last long and that not too many skilled, good workers lose their jobs.
    Many have worked for years to get where they are and I hope they dont end up at the hellhole that is JOBCENTRE PLUS

  4. #4
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    Plenty of jobs in the bailiff sector
    Keith - Administrator

  5. #5
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    I agree that many who attend the Jobcentre+ are "not a pretty sight". Having retired early from full-time work, I had the misfortune of being compelled to go along to one of these places once a fortnight to 'sign on' in order to keep up my National Insurance Credits. Moreover, the fact that I was the recipient of a reasonable occupational pension from my former long-term employers, meant I wasn't eligible for Jobseekers Allowance.

    Oh how I hated the whole experience ...! Even though I always took care to dress in a manner befitting someone in his late 50s [as I was then] it did not detract from my feelings of self-consciousness at having to stand in a queue (consisting mainly of either youngsters or semi-inebriates) waiting to be seen by a member of staff who barely looked up from his/her desk as each client approached. Then, one day, I found myself face-to-face with a young clerkess who actually listened to my "moans and groans" and suggested I write to the Pensions Service in Newcastle for a revised assessment of my "contributions" to date. Lo and behold, within three weeks, I discovered I'd already earned enough "stamps" [40 years' worth] to qualify for the basic State Pension at age sixty-five. And to think all it needed was a sympathetic ear and the caring attitude of one young woman (bless her!) to release me from such bondage and say "ta ta" to the Jobcentre Plus!!

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