Hello hope someone can advise a better way of sending money to Philippines and possibly cheapest. Over the year i have been ending western union. Can anyone advise any other online services available.
Hello hope someone can advise a better way of sending money to Philippines and possibly cheapest. Over the year i have been ending western union. Can anyone advise any other online services available.
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hi, try to check SUNRISE REMITTANCE UK LTD at 12 Kenway Road, Earl's Court, SW5 0RR and visit http://sunriseremit.com/.
me and my friends trust this company and never fails us.
hope this will help!!!
i would only use a bank to transfer money
try www.pnbeurope.com
You could try LMS Remittance - got a good experience with them, although it is not a bank. Good exchange rates and reasonably quick...
I don't know if this will suit your needs but I use Nationwide a standard account has a ATM card which I've sent to phil (needs to be 'cirrus' ) then I transfer money into the account online, transfer is instant and the ATM transaction in phil is free.
Hope this helps![]()
Mark, Cristina & Raffy
with a heart full of love, you will express your highest potential while also fulfilling your soul's deepest purpose:
I have for many years used Nationwide in UK for drawing cash in many countries when I have been traveling.
Unfortunately NW announced a month or so ago, that they will soon start charging for cash withdrawals on Debit Cards used outside Europe, however, at present at least, CASH CARDS will not incur any charge.
My wife's family have a cash card in Manila. I transfer money into that account, on line, when we want to send money. The family then draw the cash, no charge either end and probably the best exchange rate possible.
For about a year now PBI's ATMs accept the Nationwide card, previously they did not. HSBC we found was the best, as one could draw up to the daily limit in one transaction.
I understand Nationwide now restrict existing customers opening new accounts (I have three) however, I am sure one can get around that by say opening a joint/ separate account depending on they type one already has. Or getting a family member who does not have an account with them to open one.
If u are looking thru online way,
i would suggest xoom, u can also pay thru paypal with this..
It's good to have money and the things that money can buy, but it's good to check up once in a while to make sure you haven't lost the things that money can't buy.
hello Ron, when i was still in phils, my husband sent me one of his savings account here to philippines, it is still in his name, like the Nationwide building society, it is very good..
everytime i need money i will just withdraw anywhere as long as in APlus ATM machine..its with no charge..now my ATM is in Philippines still..after 5 minutes he transfer the money to that account, its anytime to withdrawn..
cheers...or u can try XOOM.com as well its cheap compare to WU...
Ive just done what thejarvs said with the nationwide account so the card should be with me in the next 10 days so ill post if it works, the application says it only charges if you have a visa debit card so looks like it should save some money.
Good luck.
Im glad you have been ending Western onion I have a sure fire risky free system that involves a large trunk " Family Treasure" and a shipping agent ,my lawer will pm you when you have enough posts plesae act mediatly when you get this and ignore any from guyman AL as he big scammer
As to the rest of you guys maybe we could form a new group A.T.M,s Anonymous
I am an addict Its 8 days since my last fix![]()
Absit invidia
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I would second www.xoom.com
Admittedly have only used them once but it was quick and efficient and seemed cheaper than Western Union.
I would have probably used PNB but they seemed to require registration and production of ID documents: at the time both our passporst were with UKBA awaiting FLR!
I hope what I said above was not confusing, that was:-
Unfortunately NW announced a month or so ago, that they will soon start charging for cash withdrawals on Debit Cards used outside Europe, however, at present at least, CASH CARDS will not incur any charge.
I repeat it through, as no charge MUST be the cheapest!
NO CHARGE ON ATM WITHDRAWS (in Phil or in UK) ON A CASH CARD AND THE BEST EXCHANGE RATES. Once you have it set up its so simple to use.
And NO PLANS by Nationwide to impose charges on CASH CARD withdrawals.
( Honest, don't have shares in the bank !!! )
we use xoom.com...
A friend drew money yesterday, 23 April, in Manila. The exchange rate in my account at Nationwide was 70.1 P to the £. And no charges. So you can compare the rates and see which is best value.
Hi you can try to use IREMIT. ive tried their service and they can send your money within 24 hours time in any banks in Phils. the rates are competitive and the charge is only £6. try to email them at xxxxxxxxxxxor browse their website xxxxxxxxx you may also contact them at 00000000000000![]()
I use IREMIT and can send money online thru my Barclay DC. Online banking can save time and money as no need to go to the bank![]()
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