Hi Everybody,
After our Wedding a couple of weeks ago, we are going to fill out FLR forms. These were changed on the 6th April 2009. We haven't been through the whole form yet but one of the changes from the old form is very strange to me.
In the Section 7 - Your Home and Finances, they seem to have scrapped a key question (old 7.4 - Is your partner working in the UK? If so what is their pay each month after tax and deductions?).
Also they altered 7.1 (a). 'Is your home in the UK (a) owned by you, your partner or both?' ....to just '(a) owned by you?'
As I pay a significant mortgage but have a reasonable salary, and we do not receive income from other sources, and Judy doesn't work - under the old questions, our situation looked sound, but without the 'partner working' bit, it just shows significant mortgage but no specified income at all.
Of course they require bank statements and pay slips still, so the financial situation should be clear to them, but it seems very strange to me that they update the Finances bit of the form to make it less comprehensive...
Ditto Question 7.1 that now requires mortgage paying partners to put this under 'other' response, even though this must be a very common situation.
I hope I haven't misunderstood these questions, as I don't want any problems with FLR and UKBA keep moving the goalposts. Makes me nervous
I suppose these counterproductive revisions are why FLR now costs a further £70.Looks like we'll be calling UKBA...