Depending on what you want to study it may be cheaper to self study and pay for any exams.

For example I have met people who have paid hundreds if not thousands to study for something. They could probably have bought,books,videos and software to self study. If your motivated its worth considering.

I have experience of several people wanting to acheive the same qualfication with roughly the same level of skills and experience in a workplace.

Many of those who self studied I noted seem to learn more and many of the people who were taught seemed to learn how to pass the Exam.
To check the Exam is included and what the Exam is for.

This was more in the I.T industry.

Its good if you can get your Employers to pay but be aware in case you have a clause which means within a certain period you dont have to pay at least a percentage back.
Also when employers train you many will give you top notch training but give you an internal qualfication/certficate for passing. So its basically worthless elsewhere.
Again in these cases consider taking the exam your self often quality training is far more expensive than the Exam.

I know many people who have done this and others who regreted not investing and doing this.

Another point if you self study and you are working many companies will if its a useful qualfication/training for your work. Give you the time off and not count it as part of your holiday.
If you can get paid for the days you are training/exam taking and not lose a day off its worth surely. Many companies know its cheaper to give an extra day off and get someone with better skills and knowledge then to pay for it

Same with many of the private Education companies have sales staff who you can sometimes haggle with. Not sure on cheaper courses but always worth saying well company a offer me this what can you offer?

A little bit of bargining, dont tell me any filipina is going to let some Brit out negotiate them after all that training in the local market