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Thread: Advice about Tourist Visa

  1. #1
    Respected Member mavid's Avatar
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    hi and gd day to everyone I found this forum while browsing for information bout Tourist Visa to the UK and I decided to join in coz i read some very honest and informative answers.

    I have a British b/f and i'm a filipina, we've been together for 2 years now and has visited me 3 times already. He really wants me to visit him this time. I was married before and had no contact with my ex husband for 4 yrs now, thats the big problem thats why we cant apply for a fiancee visa. He's even willing to marry me again coz we heard that we can do that, but im scared that once we apply for a spousal visa the British Embassy might found out that i was married b4.

    Im thinking bout processing a Legal Separation, so when we apply for a Tourist Visa, i can honestly say that he's my b/f.

    I really have no intentions of staying there for gd...i jst want to visit him. Im a kidney transplant so i wouldnt risk my life staying there illegaly.

    What strong ties to my country should i have? What if i dont have a job now? But he will be sponsoring my tickets and all my expenses whilst there...

    When i was working b4, i met this girl who got refused to enter Uk as a tourist for reasons that she doesnt even know the name of the parents of the guy, and that he jst met the guy on plane goin bk to the philippines (she's working as OFW) and that she has a child out of wedlock and no one will take care of the kid when she's away, where in fact shes been workin abroad for several years already.
    To make it short, she didnt convince the interviewer that she will come bk.

    Please i really need an advice and im hoping u lot can help me.

    Thank You in advance...

  2. #2
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    If you've been 'together' for 2 years you will have plenty of proof of a relationship, this helps visa applications immenseley.

    However, your first course of action is to get a Legal Seperation, otherwise I'd say it is about a 99% chane you'll be refused any visa, as all paperwork must be in order. The problem you would have with a Visitors Visa is that the interviewer will consider it a way to get out of your marriage.

    I know legal sepeartions can be a problem in the Philippines, but they can be done, no need to have your ex shot!!! :blink:

    Even if your single it is difficult to get a visitors visa for a Filipino.

    If your serious with this boyfriend you need to either let him continue to visit you, or if you wish to come to the UK;
    a) Get a legal seperation
    B) Then compile as much proof of your relationship as possible. Airtickets, emails, letters, mobile txt bills, phone bills, etc,
    c) Make sure b/f has proof he can support you.
    d) Apply for a fiancee visa (the UK do check previous marriages in the Philippines)
    e) Come here and marry

    That is the only way of doing it. Do it by the book (all details listed elsewhere on the forum by Pete), and you'll be here in a few months.

    As for you medical condition, the health service in this country is 100% free for anyone, from anywhere, and you'll get excellent treatment (mainly cos the nurses are Filipino ), so that is no worry.

    Maybe someone else will offer more advice, but I'd say go with the above. If your serious, do it all legally and get married, so piddling about.

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  3. #3

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    Hi Mavid,

    A visit visa will be very hard to get - unless you can show you have significant ties to the Philippines to guarantee your return (successful, longstanding business/job, etc). Family ties are often not enough.

    If I understand filipino family law correctly, a legal separation won't actually end your marriage in the Philippines - you'll remain legally married, but the legal separation allows the, well, "legal separation" of your assets, etc - but does not enable you to remarry.

    In which case, you could have a problem getting a fiancee visa, if you are unable to marry legally in the UK (by virtue of your marriage in the Philippines). I could be wrong of course - I don't know if the Embassy will interpret a legal separation as being the same as a divorce/annullment..? Anyone else know any more about that?

    However, what I don't know is if the Embassy will issue a finacee visa on the basis of your assertion that you will seek a divorce in the UK - indeed, I don't even know if that would legally end your marriage in the Philippines (as far as UK law is concerned, which is what would govern your subsequent eligibility to marry).

    It could be that getting a legal separation is all that you need to do to get a fiancee visa (as well as, obviously, the normal onerous requirements on maintenance, accommodation, evidence of relationship, etc, which they somehow expect you to be able to magically stuff into an A4 envelope). If so, as Keith said, best of luck and I'm sure many members on here would be glad to offer titbits of advice, etc.

    I for one would be interested to know whether a legal separation is enough for a fiancee visa. If it's not, your only option, as far as I can see (and I humbly wait to stand corrected if I'm wrong), is to obtain an anullment - a horrid, harsh, costly and time-wasting process in the Philippines, where the biggest cost will no doubt be the corrupt bribe - sorry, "fee", you pay the judge to get the anullment you want (and hope your husband doesn't oppose it with a bigger "fee".

    I wish you the very best of luck in whatever you do - keep us all posted.

    Take care

  4. #4
    Respected Member mavid's Avatar
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    Originally posted by peterdavid@Feb 23 2005, 10:44 PM
    Hi Mavid,

    A visit visa will be very hard to get - unless you can show you have significant ties to the Philippines to guarantee your return (successful, longstanding business/job, etc). Family ties are often not enough.

    If I understand filipino family law correctly, a legal separation won't actually end your marriage in the Philippines - you'll remain legally married, but the legal separation allows the, well, "legal separation" of your assets, etc - but does not enable you to remarry.

    In which case, you could have a problem getting a fiancee visa, if you are unable to marry legally in the UK (by virtue of your marriage in the Philippines). I could be wrong of course - I don't know if the Embassy will interpret a legal separation as being the same as a divorce/annullment..? Anyone else know any more about that?

    However, what I don't know is if the Embassy will issue a finacee visa on the basis of your assertion that you will seek a divorce in the UK - indeed, I don't even know if that would legally end your marriage in the Philippines (as far as UK law is concerned, which is what would govern your subsequent eligibility to marry).

    It could be that getting a legal separation is all that you need to do to get a fiancee visa (as well as, obviously, the normal onerous requirements on maintenance, accommodation, evidence of relationship, etc, which they somehow expect you to be able to magically stuff into an A4 envelope). If so, as Keith said, best of luck and I'm sure many members on here would be glad to offer titbits of advice, etc.

    I for one would be interested to know whether a legal separation is enough for a fiancee visa. If it's not, your only option, as far as I can see (and I humbly wait to stand corrected if I'm wrong), is to obtain an anullment - a horrid, harsh, costly and time-wasting process in the Philippines, where the biggest cost will no doubt be the corrupt bribe - sorry, "fee", you pay the judge to get the anullment you want (and hope your husband doesn't oppose it with a bigger "fee".

    I wish you the very best of luck in whatever you do - keep us all posted.

    Take care
    Thank u very much for the quick reply..i really appreciate it.

    Yes, legal separation only means im physically separated but im not entitled to remarry again :( So, even if im legally separated...i still have a slight chance of getting a tourist visa? Besides the fact that i should show significant ties here that would guarantee my return.

    Believe it or not...marrying again is not a priority right now...i honestly just want to visit him and his family. Thats why i really want to know my chances of getting a tourist visa.

    I guess my last option would be to get an annulment (which as many of us know takes ages and cost a lot) i read in a forum, that this days...u can get ur annulment results in couple of months for the amount of 250,000 pesos!! Geesh! My b/f might jst look for a girl near here hehehe!

    Anyways, im still open for any advice u can give....The more the better

    Thanks and God Bless

  5. #5
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    Just checked a few sites.

    It may take a few years to annul. Unless you do that though you will not be allowed in the UK. It is as simple as that.

    The only place you can be together is the Philippines.

    A debate is currently in progress by the Philippine goverment over introducing divorce, but we know how fast they work! :huh:

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  6. #6

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    Originally posted by admin@Feb 23 2005, 04:23 PM
    Just checked a few sites.

    It may take a few years to annul. Unless you do that though you will not be allowed in the UK. It is as simple as that.

    The only place you can be together is the Philippines.

    A debate is currently in progress by the Philippine goverment over introducing divorce, but we know how fast they work! :huh:
    Hi Mavid,

    This is the philippines - an anullment would take years - however, most lawyers (even the reputable ones) could "speed up the process" and even go so far as to "buy a result" and sort you something out between 6 months to one year - but it would cost you BIG. 300k minimum.

    Tourist visa - if you can prove intention to return, its theoretically possible, as long as you clearly explain the situation with your marriage.

    I don't want to discourage you from trying - but the combination of the absolute harshness of UK immigration laws, the disgusting attitude of the British embassy in manila, the fact philippine family laws are ruined by catholic bigotry, meaning you have lost your freedom by marrying, and the absolute endemic corruption and lack of rule of law in the Philippines (which causes the embassy to look so negatively at all applications) means that you may find it difficult to secure a visit visa.

    I thoroughly disagree with the systems of both countries - but that's the way it is at the moment.

    But still, if you can prove intention to return, then you may have a chance. Here's a hint - for the interview, research the tourist sites of the UK - they look more favourably on someone who clearly has an interest in visiting the UK than someone who has clearly done no research.

  7. #7
    Respected Member ginapeterb's Avatar
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    Hello I havent been on the Forum much lately as I am preparing for my marriage in the Philippines, however, you must inform your British Boyfreind to help you pay for a Legal Anulment.

    If you do not do this, you will never be able to live with your boyfreind in the United Kingdom unless of course you come to this country as a key worker, such as a Nurse or as a care giver, if you are a care giver, you may get sponsored to come, however, that is a long shot.

    As far as a Legal Anulment is concerned, you can actually "Secure a result" if you have the money, yes about P200,000 to P300,000 will normally get the required peice of paper, its a rich mans law.

    Although your British Boyfreind is coming to see you, I have been doing the same for my loved one for over 1 year also, and its not much fun, if you cannot be together, if you apply for a tourist visa, I think you are wasting your time, the British Embassy in Manila, has little or sympathy with issuing such visa's but they will take your money, you have to satisfy them that you have compelling reasons to return, and that is very hard to do.

    Its a terrible situation to be in, there arent many options, and dont bother with a fiancee visa, if you lie about being married, they will check with the NSO to see if you have been married previously.

    If your marriage shows up, or you lie about it, you will be reported to the Philippine authorities as a matter of course, although if you can make it to UK, you only have to be in the UK for 7 days, to comply with the residency rules here, and your details will be posted for 21 days outside the registry office.

    Its unlikely that the UK government will check here to see if you have been married before, but then its hard to see how you will get here.

    Dont think this helps, but best wishes to you anyway.

  8. #8
    Respected Member mavid's Avatar
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    Originally posted by ginapeterb@Feb 26 2005, 04:25 AM

    Hello I havent been on the Forum much lately as I am preparing for my marriage in the Philippines, however, you must inform your British Boyfreind to help you pay for a Legal Anulment.

    If you do not do this, you will never be able to live with your boyfreind in the United Kingdom unless of course you come to this country as a key worker, such as a Nurse or as a care giver, if you are a care giver, you may get sponsored to come, however, that is a long shot.

    As far as a Legal Anulment is concerned, you can actually "Secure a result" if you have the money, yes about P200,000 to P300,000 will normally get the required peice of paper, its a rich mans law.

    Although your British Boyfreind is coming to see you, I have been doing the same for my loved one for over 1 year also, and its not much fun, if you cannot be together, if you apply for a tourist visa, I think you are wasting your time, the British Embassy in Manila, has little or sympathy with issuing such visa's but they will take your money, you have to satisfy them that you have compelling reasons to return, and that is very hard to do.

    Its a terrible situation to be in, there arent many options, and dont bother with a fiancee visa, if you lie about being married, they will check with the NSO to see if you have been married previously.

    If your marriage shows up, or you lie about it, you will be reported to the Philippine authorities as a matter of course, although if you can make it to UK, you only have to be in the UK for 7 days, to comply with the residency rules here, and your details will be posted for 21 days outside the registry office.

    Its unlikely that the UK government will check here to see if you have been married before, but then its hard to see how you will get here.

    Dont think this helps, but best wishes to you anyway.
    Cheers everyone! and Congratulations Pete i appreciate the insights...

    We're doing it the legal way now...we decided its better to get the annulment. So we're on the hunt for a not so pricey laywer

    Me and my boyfriend have been talkin about a possible marriage here in the Philippines someday...and i guess what i can do now is to prepare for the requirements of Spousal Visa (even tho not annulled yet hehe, doesnt hurt to plan and prepare ahed isnt it? ) Pete..because ur getting married here in the Philippines...i would love to know the process and requirements...

    Ill keep u all posted...and im hoping...ill get this annulment goin soon...Wish me Best of luck....

    take cares ya'll

  9. #9
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    Hiya, Mavid. Its my first time to get in this kind of forum. just out of curiosity read your message. Anyway i am here in UK at the moment. just got married last year of Nov to a British guy and got tourist Visa entering to the UK, as I am currently studying Bachelor Degree back home(Philippines)

    anyway regarding your question, I will just give you some information how i got a visa in the UK. Anyway first u have to go to the UK embassy in Makati, ask for the tourist form and requirements form. I am sure they will give you all info or requirements you need to complete, just dont hesitate to ask. After u have all the requirements call the CAVA, the numbers are also in the information papers that will be given to u.

    I just gave them my school certificate or letter to proved that i am currently enrolled, and that i have to go back to Philippines to complete my degree. my statement of account. actually the last statement of account i gave them has 400 peso balance but they still accept that. but still better if u have money anyway my sponsor bank statement of account, work info, or share in the company, morgage if he have one. the reason why they need those req't as for them to see that he can sponsor your visit to the UK and need not to ask for public funds. because its not allowed anyway. wot else....well.. his letter of invitation and he may need to include how you two met, wot are the reason why he want to visit you to the UK. and u need to buy managers check to the bank or your bank. that how you going to pay them. Read the instruction in the form dont make a mistakes. u also need to write a formal letter to tell more about yourself and your BF.

    If u have some Question u can ask me again. goodluck.


    Originally posted by mavid@Feb 23 2005, 05:25 AM
    hi and gd day to everyone I found this forum while browsing for information bout Tourist Visa to the UK and I decided to join in coz i read some very honest and informative answers.

    I have a British b/f and i'm a filipina, we've been together for 2 years now and has visited me 3 times already. He really wants me to visit him this time. I was married before and had no contact with my ex husband for 4 yrs now, thats the big problem thats why we cant apply for a fiancee visa. He's even willing to marry me again coz we heard that we can do that, but im scared that once we apply for a spousal visa the British Embassy might found out that i was married b4.

    Im thinking bout processing a Legal Separation, so when we apply for a Tourist Visa, i can honestly say that he's my b/f.

    I really have no intentions of staying there for gd...i jst want to visit him. Im a kidney transplant so i wouldnt risk my life staying there illegaly.

    What strong ties to my country should i have? What if i dont have a job now? But he will be sponsoring my tickets and all my expenses whilst there...

    When i was working b4, i met this girl who got refused to enter Uk as a tourist for reasons that she doesnt even know the name of the parents of the guy, and that he jst met the guy on plane goin bk to the philippines (she's working as OFW) and that she has a child out of wedlock and no one will take care of the kid when she's away, where in fact shes been workin abroad for several years already.
    To make it short, she didnt convince the interviewer that she will come bk.

    Please i really need an advice and im hoping u lot can help me.

    Thank You in advance...

  10. #10
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    Thanks for that, always good to have first hand experience.

    They must be getting soft, as I know a few people given visitor permits over the last couple of months. Then again, we let terrorists in here, so about time we allowed so goo law abidding people

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  11. #11
    Respected Member ginapeterb's Avatar
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    Originally posted by admin@Apr 5 2005, 07:10 AM
    Thanks for that, always good to have first hand experience.

    They must be getting soft, as I know a few people given visitor permits over the last couple of months. Then again, we let terrorists in here, so about time we allowed so goo law abidding people
    Actually Keith I think that visa was approved because the applicant had compelling reasons to return, such as the "Completion of the Degree course", that would have persuaded the ECO's that the applicant would return.

    However one thing to note, the refusal to grant a tourist visa, unless to a family member, is not appealable, in other words, no appeal can be made within 6 months, under the current rules, unless the tourist visa is to a family member, but in this case it was.

    Interesting dont you think ?

  12. #12
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    Great thread...was just what i've been looking for after having a brain wave...well, more of ripple than a wave.

    My thoughts whent something like this... If Ecxy and I married in philippines and then I returned to UK, seeing as she works full time in a law office and has a young daughter from a previous relationship (not marriage) Could she apply for a 6 month tourist visa to visit me here and then I can also fly back with her.... for another 21 day stay...

    being employed and having a daughter...I'm sure that is good enough reason for her to return... after all, it would all go towards building up a firm proof of relationship for her eventual application to live in UK with me.

    on this web site...

    I found this; If you are visiting family or friends you will need:

    a letter from your sponsor (the person you are visiting) explaining your relationship with them and the purpose of your visit.

    If your sponsor will be supporting you during your visit, or paying for the cost of the visit, you will need:

    payslips, bank statements, or some other evidence to show that they have enough money to support you.

    I'm sure that by being married to her I would legaly be ''family''...

    also this regarding sponsors;

    How can my visitor come to the UK?
    Your visitor must show that:

    they want to visit the UK for no more than six months
    they intend to leave the UK at the end of their visit, and
    they have enough money to support themselves and live in the UK without working or needing any help from public funds.


    There are no hard and fast rules about what documents you should produce when sponsoring a visitor to the UK. You may want to produce evidence of your own immigration status in the UK, and there are some other things you can do, particularly if the visit is for a special reason.

    If the visit is for a holiday and you are a relative or a friend, a letter of sponsorship explaining your relationship to the applicant and why the visit is taking place at this particular time may be helpful.
    If the visit is for a special family occasion (for example, celebrating a wedding, a birth or an important anniversary), an invitation giving details of the event, when and where it is to take place, and a letter of sponsorship would be helpful. If the person you are sponsoring is not a close relative or is one of several people invited to the occasion, it would be helpful to know why the applicant was chosen to attend.

    If you are offering to provide support and accommodation, or to pay for travel to the UK, you must provide evidence of your ability to do so.


    not gonna paste it all here.. too much..better if you see it and make your minds up...
    seems a bit of a naughty route to go or try...but..

    Obvioulsy I would not want to jeopardise any attempt for Ecxy to be with this is all just food for thought...

    It all seems **** about face... but as far as I can see, there is nothing to stop anyones wife/husband visiting their husband/wife on a tourist visa...

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