it sounds abit like the reason you like asian women is more of a fetish than a romance. it seems your basis is sex over relationship. I know us guys like sex and obviously women seem to need warming up before they want it. if your GF is busy with business why dont you do everything you can to help her and make her life easier. she really sounds like you owe her, not she owes you. if you really want sex then you need to learn how to treat a woman right. when you do im sure you'll get the sex you desire. but it will always have to be on her terms. so give her some respect and learn and find ways that make her happy and make her days easier. being unemployed probably gives you alot of time and that will cause you to think about sex more. so you need to fill your time with things that take your mind away from it. and obviously you really need to try and find work asap. coz that will be another burden off your Gf.

as for posting looking for girls i think that is really low if you really are with someone. you really need to rethink your situation.
