interesting the comments i got here really interesting you seem to think i am completly with out morals here but im not and to exsplain things i send gifts to my gf that i buy on ebay and send to her all the time as in regards to here bussiness, she has 3 stores but only mans one of them the others run them selves because her staff get a huge commision amount so in effect all her staff are partners in the bussiness;s any way i do help her when i can i design many posters and leaflets and give her advise on how to increase sales in the down turn and i would help her more but i am male and not a women and that means i cant work in a girly shop doing womens nails besides i dont have the skills to do womens nails or cut womens hair ...

i dont have the qualifications either but what i can do i try to help last night while she a sleep i dug up soil and planted alot of seeds for fruit and veg so in a few months will have many vegs to eat. and i do many things for her if i can.. but latley i been feeling we dont have alot in commen like she sleeps alot i know she works alot bit during days she has off she still sleeps i am not a troll i do take her feelings into account and i dont talk about her past because it will upset her she hates talk about it.

as for the work thing i am trying dame hard ok and i am even willing to work for free just to improve my cv and i do a part time evening course at college but its hard when you need qualifications to do any thing these days.

i did decide due to some comments left here decided to take your advise and take it slow but it is my gf who wants see me all the time i am happy to stay away and see her once a month but she likes see me more and to be honest i am unsure why she wants me any way i know i ant a model .

but the things that i guess i come across as being dishonest considering looking for another women while with one well to be honest its a what if we broke up i like to keep other possibilties open just in case.

im honest to find some one but some one i feel compatiabe with to give you an idea what she is like she is so quite getting her to talk is hard and her english is poor so understanding her is very hard but i do care i am just unsure if we can have a fucture because we like different things.

she dont like watching tv and i do and she says things like why you watching that. and she wont let me stay in her house while she is away working so for that reason i cant sat longer than a weekend even if she wants me stay longer because i get bored hanging around a nail beauty shop or walking around manchester town for hours to wait till she fisnsh work. the reason she says the co - owner of her house and she had an agreement not to let partners stay while their not their im not sure that is really true.

if we communicate differently liike different things and find talking to each other can we really have a relationship even if i had a job money and a house i would still be wondering if she is the one for me.