I work at the Airport at Heathrow.
19 years in all!
Ok. Automated landing systems are called ILS(instrument landing system)
Basically comprising two functions.
One radio signal for the verticle attitude(glide slope), and the other the horizontal(localizer)
These systems defined as Cat 3 autoland have been around since the Trident 3 in the '70's
Most Aircraft nowadays are fly by wire types, which use computer/electronic interpretation to control the engines/flying surfaces, opposed to the old fashioned hydraulic method.
This is why, on take off, and landing we are asked to switch of our mobile phones, and games, as to not cause any interference to the flight systems.
Therefore, a high power cell phone jammer 200 foot of the deck may well cause the adverse affect as implied by the media.
Engineers like myself are silenced, as we always are.
Of course, we are but engineers who have no intelligence whatsoever.
Yea, right!!

Already said enough, lol
Take care.