hello...i'm back to the forum...i'ts been a long time, i didn't visit this site, 'coz i'm concentrating about my papers for a fiancee visa...and thank God i submitted it already last April 23'09, hope we don't have any problem about it...i'm now in a waiting period....
Is there anybody in the forum ..applied "fiancee visa" and approved!...'coz i need some help...." my fiancee is a british born in UK..residing UK now....and we encounter this question in the Application...
(8.2.9 I If your sponsor is in the UK when did they first arrive?)
(8.2.11 When did they get this permission?)
and he did'nt answer it...coz he said....no need to answer, so we leave it blank...
can i ask help.....?...is it OK not to fill up?..or we have to fill up?