Quote Originally Posted by ANDRES25 View Post
It was a horrible day for me today! ...
One of the worst days of my life but very pleased to see my knight in shining armor come to my rescue.
...broke the bad news that the learning centre called and told him that I can't come tomorrow for another free class because i haven't lived here yet for a year or so...
Oh dear! that's tough but good thing your prince was there to the rescue...

One of the things that arent so nice here is the WEATHER!!! Now I am missing the SUN more!

Sad about the driving thing... Do you have a Philippine international driver's license? http://www.philembassy-uk.org/default.asp?iID=LIILE

Hope things will be well with your Math course classes...

Quote Originally Posted by Arthur Little View Post
Referring first, to Jay & Zobel's quotation in response to adam & chryss:

Fantastic news from both couples regarding their respective offspring!!


Secondly, to Zobel's comments regarding tiN's dinner party, at which Myrna and I had the pleasure of being guests:

Great food, great company and great photos; indeed, a very happy occasion!

Thanks Arthur!

I guess everyone was pleased...
Who's going to have a dinner party soon? Can we invite ouselves too? hahhaa

Quote Originally Posted by Florge View Post
oh well... it's still officially summer here... and yet, it's raining and a storm might be coming as well.... this is what they call climate change... scary!!!

now for hailstones? Zobel! you're scaring me... can i survive the weather there? Oh Love! LOL
Lol, you will be alright! You like the rain, right? (minus the hailstones)

Quote Originally Posted by adam&chryss View Post
he was 9.2lbs. glad u'r feeling ok.. well me still can't do much. my stitches are healing but i feel uncomfortable specially at the upper part of my , seems like it's falling out evrytime i'm sitting or standing.
so i don't suggest forceps delivery , rather have an emergency C-section. if i could just turn back time i wish i just had CS.
but glad Isaac is doing well

Wow, he has grown so fast!

Sad to hear about your pains... worry not it will soon be completely healed... Take care and have a lot of rests