Yeah its very boring here.....
You can drink the tap water and not get ill.....
Unless you live in a city like London you can also walk and breathe fresh air, and nowhere, nowhere is like Manila or other Phil cities/towns for smell /pollution.
There arn`t many malls here cos we arn`t yanks and walking round all day NOT buying anything apart from a 50peso drink ISNT fun !!
Come here and learn that the whole world isnt asian or american, work hard, enjoy yourself and improve yourself.
Remember, your coming here of your own choice and arn`t forced to so moaning doesnt shine brigthly upon you.
And yes, it rains here but i`ve never been to Phil and not had rain. Heavy rain.
Oh, no typhoons here either, more boringness then!
Good luck with your application but please have an open mind when you come here and don`t moan like so many people do.