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Thread: I need some advice please - serious situation

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  1. #1
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    she says her family in the uk has taken her passport from her and she cannot go anywhere.

    okay guys
    I will write the facts of what I know as neutrally as I can so that people can get an understanding

    she has been here for two or three years before she met "Andrew" (my brothers friend)
    they met during work - first talking, then he looked out for her and then fell in love
    she said she had a sick mother - he offered money - she refused - she got more upset and he offered again -she took it
    she said she must send the money via another relative as the parents would spend the money on other things
    she said that andrew saved her mothers life
    andrew wanted to meet her family in the uk
    she refused saying that "all white man are after one thing" and they would punish her and send her back
    she said she was brought here to take care of the children while her family went to work
    she works two jobs and must go home straight after
    if she takes a day off Andrew must reimburse her with her wages for that day so she can hand up the money when she gets home to her family
    Andrew cannot look at anybody else female
    Andrew wanted to bypass her family in the UK and meet her parents in the phillipines - she says if they find out she is with a white man they will punish her and send her home
    Andrew is not allowed to call her
    Andrew is not allowed to text her unless she texts him first and gives him a time to text
    Andrew is not allowed near her house
    Andrew wanted to prove himself and they got engaged - she accepted but is still not allowing him to meet her family
    She can hold a perfectly adult conversation but reverts to a five year old with wide eyes when Andrew is around
    When Andrew is with other people she steers him away so they they end up by themselves away from everyone else.

  2. #2
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by worriedanna View Post
    she says her family in the uk has taken her passport from her and she cannot go anywhere.
    That is illegal and carries a jail sentence.

    Call her bluff 2: Tell her to go to the police and put a complaint in and you'll go with her, if she won't tell her you'll help her out, being the kind person you are , and will do it yourself.

    PS....She's married!
    Keith - Administrator

  3. #3
    Respected Member Tawi2's Avatar
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    I have had a few relationships with Pinays,all of them without exception want you to meet their family This guys best off bailing out ASAP

  4. #4
    Respected Member Eljohno's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Win2Win View Post
    That is illegal and carries a jail sentence.

    Call her bluff 2: Tell her to go to the police and put a complaint in and you'll go with her, if she won't tell her you'll help her out, being the kind person you are , and will do it yourself.

    PS....She's married!

    Keith i was starting to think that she is married also as all the signs of it are there.

    Maybe that is the reason she will not let him meet her family as her husband might not be too chuffed

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by Win2Win View Post
    That is illegal and carries a jail sentence.

    Call her bluff 2: Tell her to go to the police and put a complaint in and you'll go with her, if she won't tell her you'll help her out, being the kind person you are , and will do it yourself.

    PS....She's married!
    It's good to have money and the things that money can buy, but it's good to check up once in a while to make sure you haven't lost the things that money can't buy.

  6. #6
    Respected Member katie37pinayuk's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Win2Win View Post
    PS....She's married!
    this could be the perfect reason behind it

  7. #7
    Respected Member Tawi2's Avatar
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    I met countless guys like that worried,they go to asia and suddenly think they are in adult disneyland,they didnt have much experience with women when they were in their teens or twenties and lose all reason when a half decent looking women takes notice of them in later lifeGive the guy distance,back away and let them sort out their own problems,he wont take notice of you anyway,when I was based in Hong Kong we used to call it "P*ssy-whipped",enjoy your own life,let him come to his senses if and when he is ready,how old is he?

  8. #8
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    he is 48
    its easy to say back off. But he is going to lose everything and be left with nothing. I don't want to back off until this happens and then say "oh I could have told you that would happen" He needs someone to put him straight now, even if only to put it into his head so he would be more cautious.

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by worriedanna View Post
    he is 48
    its easy to say back off. But he is going to lose everything and be left with nothing. I don't want to back off until this happens and then say "oh I could have told you that would happen" He needs someone to put him straight now, even if only to put it into his head so he would be more cautious.
    I agree anna, just give it to him straight. If he won't listen, then its up to him. As long as you did your best to be the good friend that you are now for him.

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