hello everybody

I am new - I came on here because I need some advice - my brothers friend met a filipino woman (age 35) through his work - it started off as just talking but he soon fell in love with her.

Since then, this woman has told me stories about how she has a very big family but they don't care for her parents - she needed money to purchase medication for a very ill mother - the man provided her with 1000 pounds - however she did not send this directly to her parents - she sent it via a sister because she said her parents would spend the money on other things. So far he has given about 2500 pounds for medication. he feels flattered because she has told this man he has saved her mother.

also, she says that she is living with family members here in the UK and they take all her money from her and just send her to work for money that she has to give up when she gets home. She will not let this man be introduced to her family. The man is completely smitten and has gotten engaged to this woman and begged her if he can meet her family and have an open relationship - she refuses although she accepted the ring. He is now on the verge of putting her name on his business. He has asked can he meet her family in the Philippines but she has refused also. She takes days off to meet him but he must reimburse her with money so she can pretend she was at work.

For me and my friends that know this man, it seems that this relatioinship is based on money - this man has provided thousands of pounds already and has yet to meet any one of her family, or even has yet to be brought to her house.

Is this the normal way that these relationships go or should we be worried for our friend.

apologies if this causes offences to anybody, but we are seriously worried about this man. We do not want to see him hurt or fooled. The woman is 35 years old.