Can't blame those BIG BRITONS including my family here lols I onced critisized them why they eat too much food. I can see they really enjoys eating and have money to buy those. Their budget for food is shocking expensive. I'm the only small and slim in this house as I really discipline myself to watch every food I eat. I love veggies and fish not to become big but I cannot resist chocolates and loose my self-discipline. My doctor said don't eat chocolates if I want my lump not to become large. But chocolates for me is irresistible
Some filipina wives I have noticed, they becoming big too, maybe they're infected with hubby eating too muchor maybe they eat their hubbies left -over.
But you will notice here Cheeze, life span here is long. Even if they are ill, they still live very long.
I agree
I remember when I was in Holland, I stayed there for 3 months and met members of filipino association. Weeks before I left them, they asked me what pasalubong (presence) I want to bring with my family. I said chocolates or soap. A week before I left, my friend said she weigh my luggage and it's already excess of 15 kls. It's full of chockies and soap etc.
I told my hubby that I have problem w/ this and he gave me his fishing vest with 4 pockets outside and 4 hidden pockets inside. I bought buggy pants with 6 pockets too.
Gulf Air weigh my luggage and it was 15 kilos excess, I need to put all excess to my pockets but still I excess of 7 kilos and I can't almost walk because I was carrying heavy loads. I have bagpack, still spacious but not allowed to add more. So I need to dump 7 kilos of soap or 7 kilos of chocolates. I was too confused what to dump but preferred soap to dump.
While walking to board the plane, I feel I'm carrying the world. 10 kilos my bagpack which still allowed during that time and 8 kilos from my pockets. I stopped walking and moved all chockies from my pockets to my bagpack because I look like a michellin and couldn't walk. But after putting them all together,
I can't move on because of heavy load at my back! But only few yards walk and will be soon board the plane so I walked very slow. Stop walk stop walk Ahhhh at long last I made it.
But I still have my stop over at Bahrain so start walking again. Luckily my ticket upgraded into business class. But stewardess gave me a plastic bag with some stuffs inside. 2 boxes of Belgian Chocolates, 1 Bahrain Formula 1 T-shirt and 1 pair jogging pants and t-shirt courtesy of Gulf Air. I was thinking how can I carry all those things as I feel ill already. I feel I had broken shoulder.
When I arrived home, I stayed in bed for two days, hubby called and wanting for a chat. He said he has good news to me and asked how was my journey. I said I'm ill just tell me the good news. He said he will come to Pinas soon to marry me. I said that's great but please don't forget my chocolates. He said bloody hell, what kind of woman I'm going to marry?