Quote Originally Posted by Pepe n Pilar View Post
Does it make any difference if we lodge our application by post or submit them personally? I thought the processing time is the same. If the documents are complete and satisfactory they will process it within the specific time indicated and when they notice something is lacking on the documents they call for interview? If the cheque has been cashed already does it mean the documents submitted is already in process?
Just a reminder -you can NOT lodge your application through post any more as you need to undergo biometrics - fingerprint scanning and photo...
About processing times - UKBA set some standards they are trying to upkeep:

Our agreed standards are:

  • To complete 90% of straightforward*, non-settlement applications in not more than a week**, 98% in not more than 2 weeks, and 100% in not more 12 weeks.
  • To complete 90% of non-straightforward***, non-settlement applications in not more than 3 weeks, 98% in not more than 6 weeks and 100% in not more than 12 weeks.
  • To complete 95% of applications for settlement visas in not more than 12 weeks and 100% in not more 24 weeks.

*A straightforward application can be decided on the basis of the application and the supporting documents submitted without the need for further enquiries or more detailed scrutiny.
** A week is defined as 5 working days.
***A non-straightforward application requires more time to be decided, for example if more detailed enquiries or a personal interview are needed
We may need to change these standards without prior notice due to exceptional circumstances, changes in government policy or for operational reasons.

(source UKBA web pages: http://www.ukvisas.gov.uk/en/howtoap...ocessingtimes/)