For a brief intro what is VIDEOKE - is a form of entertainment in which amateur singer sing along with recorded music using a microphone. The music is typically a well-known pop song (ex ABBA and the QUEEN) which has no lead vocal. Lyrics are usually displayed on a video screen, along with a moving symbol or changing color and/or music video images, to guide the singer.
Why Filipino's love to sing esp. in video Okiehmm I guess that's already in our NATURE, But sad to say video okie is not my line of arts huhuhuhu
I just CLAP my hands
and to say horaay, bravo
on the singer ahehehehhee, I don't have really the guts in singing in the public.. I'm so shy
I love to sing alone only for my self ear
I can say MrsJmajor, Brenda and Jen (daughter of Jmajor) has a very fantastic VOICE --- pang Xfactor
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