these thoughts cropped up as i am getting ready for documents to support an eventual fiancee visa application. What life awaits for me there, not simply being a wife?
these thoughts cropped up as i am getting ready for documents to support an eventual fiancee visa application. What life awaits for me there, not simply being a wife?
This is a rant?
What awaits? Probably an empty country, we're all leaving!![]()
Keith - Administrator
expensive banana and stuff
singkwenta pesos na kapiranggot na ilang hiblang sitaw na putol putol .....huwaaahhhhh
missus just transfer it your hubby,nice to say it in tagalog eh!!![]()
I'm sure you'll be very disappointed when you get here. Most Filipinos think it's going to be fantastic because they think this is such a rich country. They they see all of these rich westerners in Phils, going through what most Filipinos would regard as huge sums of money in a few weeks while they're on holiday there.
But the truth is were all quite skint here in the UK, apart from maybe the top 10% of earners, because everything is so expensive in the UK and we only feel rich when we're in Phils, where you can get a good meal for P150, a san mig for less than P40 and a pack of cigs for about the same.
Going way off thread, I blame most of our lack of wealth (Mr Average) on the the Thatcher years. According to her master plan nothing should be subsidised and nothing should be owned or run by the state. This resulted in the basics of life, water, gas, electric etc being privatised, with the private companies being given a guarantee that they would be allowed to hike up prices by 5% above the rate of inflation year after year.
As a result, those on modest incomes found that more and more of their desposable incomes was used up just on utility bills and food. I think she did do some good things like taming the trade unions which made the UK far more competitive, but overall her government stuck rigidly to their "free market" dogma where nothing was judged to have any value to the people or the nation as a whole, if it wasn't paying it's way without government subsidy.
Thats the main reason I say were all skint in this country is that the amount of disposable income Mr Average has left over after he has paid for the essentials is far less than it was in the 70's in real terms, whilst the rich, those who could afford to spend thousands of pounds on those privatisation shares, have become even richer.
Don't get me wrong, I'm no fan of Gordon Brown or new labour either, we just swapped one dogma for another when labour came to power. The trouble is, now it looks like we'll get the other lot back in again in about a year or so, with their propensity to look after "our" people as Thatcher used to call them, the die-hard core of Conservative supporters, instead of the nation as a whole.
Kimmi is right, don't expect too much!!! Life here isn't a bed of roses. You'll find out for yourself when you get here. It's so boring here specially if you don't have a job like me... Oh sorry here I am again, whining of being unemployed...
cheer up you guys summer is coming!![]()
God grant me the serenity to accept the things i cannot change, the courage to change the things i can and the wisdom to hide the bodies of those people i had to kill because they pissed me off.
Simply put, you must forget first what you know from the philippines and open your mind to learning and adapting the UK WAY and how everything is done here. The sooner you accept change, the easier will it be for you to adjust here. Just be flexible and open minded for new things and most importantly, have the right attitude all the time. It makes a lot of difference no matter where you are and no matter how tough the challenges you may face.And don't worry too much and get so anxious about what awaits for you here, it's not so bad. Just learn to embrace the good and ignore the bad.
As long as you're coming here for the right reasons, ie to be a wife and partner to your husband and not as an OFW who just happens to have a ring on her finger and a visa, then I'm sure you'll be OK...... and as long as your family back home understands the difference between a wife and an OFW as well.
Absolutely nothing wrong with being an OFW or coming to the UK as an OFW, but it's very different thing from being the wife of a UK citizen who's main purpose in coming to the UK should be to start a new life and build a family here with her husband, unlike an OFW who's main purpose in coming to the UK is to work and to send money home to her family in the Philippines.
its not so bad here!
as long as you have a loving husband to look after you im sure you be ok
you maybe surprised how much you will like it here?
just take your time to get over the jet lag and adjust to your new surrounding,im sure you will manage just fine!
thanks for the advices, much of my learnings about UK is from this forum (when i browsed as guest) I am coming there to be with my beloved as what we have planned years ago except that my work in phils tied me up. Hopefully, i can have all docs ready before the end of this year. Thanks a lot and may & rest of the forum member continue to give advices
What you will love is Car-Boots and Flea Markets oh and Tat shops![]()
Absit invidia
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Yeah its very boring here.....
You can drink the tap water and not get ill.....
Unless you live in a city like London you can also walk and breathe fresh air, and nowhere, nowhere is like Manila or other Phil cities/towns for smell /pollution.
There arn`t many malls here cos we arn`t yanks and walking round all day NOT buying anything apart from a 50peso drink ISNT fun !!
Come here and learn that the whole world isnt asian or american, work hard, enjoy yourself and improve yourself.
Remember, your coming here of your own choice and arn`t forced to so moaning doesnt shine brigthly upon you.
And yes, it rains here but i`ve never been to Phil and not had rain. Heavy rain.
Oh, no typhoons here either, more boringness then!
Good luck with your application but please have an open mind when you come here and don`t moan like so many people do.![]()
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