I fully empathise with you, Juliet and can well understand how thoroughlyed-off you're feeling at the moment. There are few things in life quite so infuriating as government bodies &c. with 0870 prefixed telephone numbers. Invariably you're forced to listen to a series of repetitive automated responses instructing you to press 'so and so' button if you are calling about this, that or the other. And then, just when you finally get put through to the department you were trying feverishly to contact in the first place, another irritating "voice" informs you that all their staff are "busy" [no doubt enjoying an extended coffee break!] would you please hold ... followed at two or three-minute intervals by a similar announcement asking you to "please continue to hold ... a member of staff will speak to you as soon as he/she is available to take your call" ... and so it goes on ... and on ... ad infinitum ... !: I sometimes think all this palaver - together with the considerable expense involved in phoning these agencies - is used as a deliberate ploy to ward-off members of the public/customers and deter them from having the impertinence to interrupt their cushy lifestyles.

I realise you must be thinking, "Oh God, Arthur, I've already had a bellyfull of all that today!!". But it might be worthwhile ringing the UK visas office on 0845 010 5555 (chargeable at 'local' rates) or alternatively, their landline number, 020 7008 8308, explaining the circumstances regarding your FLR application, and the difficulties you experienced in trying to contact the UKBA (after all you've forked out a hefty supplementary charge for the fast-track service).