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Thread: Married Or Maiden name on spouse ID Cards?

  1. #91
    Respected Member John Chingford's Avatar
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    Those with Fiancee Visas about To Expire

    For anyone new let's recap on our discoveries

    First Post

    My wife a Filipina received a fiancee visa to Britain on Nov27 2008 just 2 days after the changes in UK. We are now married in Britain (a week ago) visa expires 27 May and she is now applying for a 2 year spouse visa. The Home office require her to fill out a FLR (M) form but ask for her title (Miss or Mrs)and her full name as appears in her passport. Her passport is her maiden name, but if she gives this information I think the new ID card will show her maiden name and as a Miss.

    The Philippine embassy advise that she get the "amendment" page of her green passport amended to married name but I am unsure whether Home office will notice the amendment as they may not look at the amendments page of passport.

    Subsequent Posts

    1) For your information, rules changed on Nov 25th 2008. The UK government are stealthily bringing in ID cards for everyone. On Nov 25th they started on those who wanted to extend their fiancee visas into spouse visas.

    It seems as well as Passports being stamped with spouse visas they are now issuing ID cards also. The issue for discussion is will ID cards match the visa details and will the visa details match the name on the data page of passport?

    My spouse and I decided to ask Philippine Embassy to amend the amendment page of her green passport to show her married name

    On the FLR(M) form we will put Mrs followed by married name and then write "see amendment page of passport" next to it. We will also write a covering letter explaining it all. We will be visiting Home Office so hopefully the Home Office will let us explain it also. If it is a problem hopefully they will advise us and correct the form themselves if we are wrong.

    2) In reply to a question asked by someone I posted : “All depends on how much time you have. If you have say 2 months to spare before visa runs out it would be best to get a completely new passport from Fil Embassy. At present takes 4 to 6 weeks. If you do not have 6 weeks but you still have green passport you can amend passport with fil embassy - takes 2 to 3 working days.

    In the meanwhile you can book a date at Home Office. Having a new passport removes all confusion because it has the marital name on the data page whereas amended passport has marital name on amended page which Home Office may not see. However, the Home Office website states to not book with Home Office more than a month in advance of your application because FLR forms tend to change quite regularly. They state that you should not book up appointment more than 30 days in advance of the latest print-out of the form. I have just printed out form “FLR(M) 042009” and this is ok although we are now in 052009“

    3) Don’t trust what the recorded messages say. I booked up at Croydon on 15th May, whereas recorded message said no slots available at Croydon in May. When I phoned they said there were many slots still available in May. My experience is that you can only get through to the automated system if you call between 9am to 9.45am and best time I found was about 9.20am. I needed to contact them 3 times and always got through at that time but never succeeded after 10am

    4) To update you all on my situation. Although our deadline for visa extension is only 27 May, it is not a problem.

    Before I tell you what happened I just want to say that I thoroughly checked out Philippine Embassy website, Home Office Website and phoned both up to get as much info and advice as possible. I found Fil embassy very helpful but Home Office (although they try to be helpful) not helpful because they have to keep to guidelines on what they are allowed to say. Therefore because I cannot find answers to all my questions from those two sources I asked this website for answers based on others who have faced my situation. This website has been very helpful to piece everything together in my mind!. I now know what to do! Back to my story.......

    We went to Fil Embassy yesterday to give notification of marriage and passport amendment. They saw us straight away without an appointment. As we had already filled out all our forms and photocopied everything they wanted we were in and out in less than 30 mins (including waiting time). We were told we could collect the amended passport today, but as we are now on honeymoon, will collect next wednesday. We have appointment with Home Office in Croydon 2 days later on friday.

    As the days of Noah were so shall be the coming of the Son of Man........ When You see these things happening, know that the time is close.
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  2. #92
    Respected Member John Chingford's Avatar
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    As this thread is getting rather large and maybe now quite confusing, I have started a new thread under this heading:

    Latest Information On UK Fiancee visas, Spouse Visas, ID Cards

    This one starts from scratch by giving actual and accurate information and not just theories as to what people think would happen.
    As the days of Noah were so shall be the coming of the Son of Man........ When You see these things happening, know that the time is close.
    Matthew 24 :

    Check Out My Blogsite For Evidence Why The Bible Can Be Trusted

  3. #93
    Respected Member John Chingford's Avatar
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    If anyone finds this thread and advice useful please visit my profile, leave comments and mark me to improve my reputation. Thanks
    As the days of Noah were so shall be the coming of the Son of Man........ When You see these things happening, know that the time is close.
    Matthew 24 :

    Check Out My Blogsite For Evidence Why The Bible Can Be Trusted

  4. #94
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    Spain since 1988. My wife has been here since June 2006
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    Just to add to any possible confusion.

    In the UK one can change their name by a number of means, one of which is Common Law, which does not require any legal action i.e. solicitor, declaration etc.

    That means, providing I am not changing my name for a dishonest purpose, I can change my name to almost anything I wish, as long as I don't include a name which implies a tile e.g. Lord John Smith, but I could change it to John Lord. All I need do is tell everyone I have changed my name. To get a passport amended or issued in the new name requires a statement from the category of person who can countersign an application, to the effect that they have known you for x number of years and as of ..... date.... you have changed your to ........

    About 25 years ago in UK I changed my first name and surname and got a new passport in my new name which has no reference to my birth name.

    As for changing names on marriage, that is a practice and not a legal requirement. If Mary Smith marries John Jones, she can remain Mary Smith, or change it to Mary Smith Jones or Mary Jones, or anything else.

    My wife wanted to use my surname. We live in Spain where it is custom for a woman not to change her name on marriage, however, we went to Philippines Consul and amended her passport so now it shows she is Mrs Elaine Smith Jones.

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