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Thread: Thick yank kills elephant for a bet...

  1. #1
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    Thick yank kills elephant for a bet...

    Nice to see that not content with killing innocent Afghans, Iraqi`s or even their own troops, a stupid idiot of a yank woman decided to kill an elephant with her bow and arrow. Given the choice of buffalo or elephant she chose the later cos " one or two women had already downed a buffalo".
    Maybe thats cos even though they arnt an endangered species they may well be soon if brain dead fools like her carry on with their "bets"
    What is it with americans that they have to shoot people/things all the time?
    And they voted George Bush in......

  2. #2
    Respected Member Tawi2's Avatar
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    My assumption is the hunt was carried out on Africa,some parts of the continent,Places like Namibia,Zimbabwe,and certainly south africa once your outside the parks like kruger wild animals wouldnt exist were it not for hunting concessions,the locals would kill of the available game for food,however because westerners pay X amount of pounds/dollars for the opportunity to hunt an animal they are protected,an elephant today goes for £20-25,000 thats a lot of cash pumped into the local economy,the meat isnt wasted as its distributed for free to local people,and in some parts of the continent elephants are actually on the increase,they encroach on farms,a tribe of elephants can decimate a maize field overnight,how do you control them?Ethical harvesting its called.

  3. #3
    Respected Member Tawi2's Avatar
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    The first woman to harvest an elephant with a bow and arrow was Texan Teressa Groenewald,she paid big bucks to do so,and the meat was distributed to approx 500 families

  4. #4
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by adam&chryss View Post
    Nice to see that not content with killing innocent Afghans, Iraqi`s or even their own troops, a stupid idiot of a yank woman decided to kill an elephant with her bow and arrow. Given the choice of buffalo or elephant she chose the later cos " one or two women had already downed a buffalo".
    Maybe thats cos even though they arnt an endangered species they may well be soon if brain dead fools like her carry on with their "bets"
    What is it with americans that they have to shoot people/things all the time?
    And they voted George Bush in......
    You see!! ... It just goes to show that *senseless acts like the one committed by this mad woman simply confirm the reckless impetuousness of our "esteemed" allies across the "Pond". Didn't I already [almost] imply *as much in one of my posts yesterday?

    On a lighter note, I wonder how many folk on this forum have heard the joke about 'Polaris Knickers' ... ? ... one 'Yank' and they're down!

  5. #5
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    Well it`s good that poor people can benefit from it then. As long as the rich don`t keep the money for themselves.
    When theres such a gulf between rich and poor theres always someone taking advantage of the situation.
    I don`t beleive for one minute that she was thinking about how many mouths she would feed, only about how supposedly big and clever she would look.

  6. #6
    Respected Member Tawi2's Avatar
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    I have hunted often in the past though my FAC is now expired and I no longer have a rifle,but that was always stalking for the pot,beautiful meat on a roe deerAmericans are different though in the main,theres a lot of south african fenced farms nowadays where americans fly over,shoot several different species in a week then fly back home,the money they pay employs local african trackers,skinners,taxidermists and they also pay troph fees,its big business.The Inuits are given a set number of licences each year as indiginous people to hunt polar bears,they sell them for £25K once again,and theres a long queue of takers,some book their hunts years in advance.Your right of course,teressa wasnt thinking of feeding a tribe nor of ridding the area of a rogue bull elephant,she was in it for the kill,I just read the story,she was after the trophy,but her money still filtered into the local economy and kept the wheels turning,the villagers could have just as easy poisoned the waterholes,snared the elephant on a drag by its foot,or sprayed the herd with an automatic,but in allowing her to pay for the opportunity they took the more ethical of paths and everyone was happy(except the elephant).

  7. #7
    Respected Member bornatbirth's Avatar
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    you know in africa they have to many animals?

    they have to kill them so why not get money for it then use the money for a better use?

    i know it seems wrong but what will you do about?

    did you see the louis theroux programme about it?

    just walking upto a animal and shooting it isnt really hunting but they are being killed humanely and they get the suckers money?

  8. #8
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    I`m all for people killing animals for food. Thats what happens in Phil and I like the unspoilt nature of that.
    To kill for food isn`t greedy or wasteful in my eyes, to kill for fun is.
    It reminds me of the film "Hostel". Have you seen that?
    I hope the African people in the few countries that have elephants do well out of it and that the money goes to the poor and not the greedy rich.
    My main point on this thread is about the greed and selfishness of certain people. They dont do it to help anyone other than to satisfy their own desires. After all, if they`re worried about the people starving they could just donate the money.
    So a big to the villagers and a big to the greedy foreigners!
    How is the ivory trade at the moment?

  9. #9
    Respected Member Tawi2's Avatar
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    The ivory trade?If you pay your money,get your CITES certificates then your green for go,you can export your tusks back to the good old USof A O pay to fish at a trout lake,the bag limits 3 fish,so I pays my cash,sometimes get my 3 rainbow trout,take them home,similar analogy,pay your cash and take your pachyderm home I get what you mean though

  10. #10
    Respected Member JudyHon's Avatar
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    I personally find the idea of killing animals for fun repugnant. Why can't tourists go and enjoy animals in their native habitat without the need to sate their bloodlust. Using a bow and arrow on an elephant doesn't sound humane. If she was an American, I'm surprised she didn't call in close air support.

    I find bull fighting sickening, and fox hunting the worst. The excuses for it are just that. Plenty get a kick out of it though.
    S J

  11. #11
    Respected Member Tawi2's Avatar
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    Oscar Wilde described fox-hunting as the unspeakable in pursuit of the uneatable I have dealt with problem fox before,spotlight and rifle,quick and sure.Bullfighting,seen it in spain,not my cup of tea but who am I to decry someones culture,sunday afternoons in pinas I often drop into sabong,when in rome and all that

  12. #12
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    why don't these macho people who hunt, instead of hiding behind a gun, have a fair fight

    now how many would still hunt if a fox or other prey could use a gun

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by JudyHon View Post
    If she was an American, I'm surprised she didn't call in close air support.
    Probably because she knows that the USAF is only good at blowing up friendly targets....
    And she didn't want to be in the line of fire herself....

  14. #14
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    Nearly 9,000 Million animals slaughtered for food in the US each year so why does one elephant matter?

    No difference as far as I can see 1 animal death = 1 animal death

    Think of that next time you eat meat.
    Keith - Administrator

  15. #15
    Respected Member JudyHon's Avatar
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    I prefer the spanish culture in the main to that in the UK. The whole 'manana' laid back, enjoy life attitude is great (though hot weather and good local Rioja helps).

    I went 'running with the bulls' in Pamplona a few years back, but hated the end, when the bulls are in the stadium and groups of locals/tourists taunt and hit the bull with sticks. The poor bull couldn't retaliate well as it had large corks on it's horns to prevent injuries to its tormentors. Actually if the mortality rate for matadors was 50/50 I think that's fair.

    As for killing animimals, I think intent is the issue more than result, and some are senseless. Mind you the size of US burgers suggests a degree of unecessary predation.
    S J

  16. #16
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Win2Win View Post
    Nearly 9,000 Million animals slaughtered for food in the US each year so why does one elephant matter?

    No difference as far as I can see 1 animal death = 1 animal death

    Think of that next time you eat meat.
    Off the record, Keith ... are YOU vegetarian by any chance?

  17. #17
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Arthur Little View Post
    Off the record, Keith ... are YOU vegetarian by any chance?
    No, but I eat very little red meat, and haven't for a couple of decades, which is good since the latest proven peer reviewed scientific evidence clearly shows people who eat red meat have a much higher chance of getting cancer. This is because you pass the animals free radicals directly into your own body, and red meat is high in them.

    Also the human body didn't evolve to eat red meat, only vegatation and seafood.
    Keith - Administrator

  18. #18
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    One other thing, all animals contain over 90% human DNA, but as with our society, anything that 'appears' different should be treated as a lower species, this we see everyday with the disabled, race, colour, etc, so although it is mostly human, because it does not look like us it is OK to kill & eat.
    Keith - Administrator

  19. #19
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Win2Win View Post
    No, but I eat very little red meat, and haven't for a couple of decades, which is good since the latest proven peer reviewed scientific evidence clearly shows people who eat red meat have a much higher chance of getting cancer. This is because you pass the animals free radicals directly into your own body, and red meat is high in them.

    Also the human body didn't evolve to eat red meat, only vegatation and seafood.
    Very useful to know; ta, Keith.

  20. #20
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Win2Win View Post
    One other thing, all animals contain over 90% human DNA, but as with our society, anything that 'appears' different should be treated as a lower species, this we see everyday with the disabled, race, colour, etc, so although it is mostly human, because it does not look like us it is OK to kill & eat.
    Food for thought, certainly!

  21. #21
    Respected Member Tawi2's Avatar
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    Hunting is always an emotive subject,nothing macho about it at all,practicality really,if your a hill farmer eking out a meagre existance and a fox is taking your lambs you want rid of it,if you own a farm and deer are causing havoc in your crops(the UK currently has its highest deer population since records began)you get a stalker in to cull the herd,theres no machismo involved at all to be honest,as for fox shooting back,I am sure there are people on this forum who have hunted,for want of a better word,animals other than the four legged variety.

  22. #22
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tawi2 View Post
    I am sure there are people on this forum who have hunted,for want of a better word,animals other than the four legged variety.
    Not aware of many murderers on here!
    Keith - Administrator

  23. #23
    Respected Member Tawi2's Avatar
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    The way some people over-react meat is murder mate

  24. #24
    eagles's Avatar
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    are we talking to hyprocrites here??? we all eat meats, be it red meats, white meats, etc.. though the methods of killing differs.. still an animal killed for a purpose...

  25. #25
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by eagles View Post
    are we talking to hyprocrites here??? we all eat meats, be it red meats, white meats, etc.. though the methods of killing differs.. still an animal killed for a purpose...
    Did you not read the above, humans do not require red/white meat to survive, we do so because we can easily control and kill those animals.
    Keith - Administrator

  26. #26
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    I will never give up bacon butties.

    The mornings wouldn't be the same.....

    Every time I went to phil, I suffered over and above the call of duty without my butties....

    As per meat in general, if it is there I will eat it otherwise it's spag bol for me......

    By preference I would rather eat fish every day, of some sort or the other, but unfortunately here in the Uk, it is wildly expensive and not very fresh.

  27. #27
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by eagles View Post
    are we talking to hyprocrites here??? we all eat meats, be it red meats, white meats, etc.. though the methods of killing differs.. still an animal killed for a purpose...
    I don't, nor have I for at least 25yrs

    as for hunting not being macho, what was the point of the picture of her next to the dead elephant then ? to impress idiots like her, how she fearlessly killed a massive elephant with a bow and arrow .

    and how many elephants do you get killing sheep up on the hills. here or in Africa?

  28. #28
    Respected Member Tawi2's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    why don't these macho people who hunt, instead of hiding behind a gun, have a fair fight

    now how many would still hunt if a fox or other prey could use a gun

    You never mentioned elephant joe,you mentioned fox.

  29. #29
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    .....and how many elephants do you get killing sheep up on the hills. here or in Africa?
    Quite a lot round our way......erm.....elephant as in fat Manc?
    Keith - Administrator

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