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Thread: Registrar Advice while in the UK

  1. #1
    Respected Member fontain's Avatar
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    Registrar Advice while in the UK

    Hi guys & girls

    Welcome to everyone thats arrived here in the last few weeks, my g/f has been here for two weeks now and is adjusting to the London weather nicely.
    (Well after purchasing a decent coat and a decent pair of boots)

    But shes had a good initiation to our gorgeous English weather, we have just had four beautiful dry autumn days in London, and by chance I had Mon & Tues off work, and then its bucketed it down all day yesterday and most of last week and now clear blue skies today!
    One minute shes freezing the next shes hot, but it keeps her on her toes !!!!
    Although i'm dreading the heating bill.

    Well anyway to cut to the chase, she is here on a tourist visa, it was hard work, took two attempts, and the [Edit Admin: Please do not circumvent the swear filter, this is a publicc forum] only gave her one month rather than six but it was worth all the hastle coz we have had the best two weeks so far and she still has one to go.
    She loves London, we have not killed each other, shes met my friends, tried the food, hit the bars, rode the tube, prayed in St Pauls and all in all had the time of her life.
    Living and working in Singapore she obviously had a good idea of city life but shes been blown away by the age of the city and the sheer scale of things in the big smoke.

    So as our "trial" has been a complete success, I am thinking of popping the question which I know she is dying for me to do, and which I now know I want to.
    Then she will go home before her visa expires (to keep us in the good books) and apply for a fiancee visa.

    All the general stuff we need to do and have is not a problem.
    And as she had to attend an interview for the tourist visa none of that should pose a problem.

    I just have question about the prelimanary booking or arrangement of the registrar.
    From what I have read so far, it is very important that this is done before applying for a fiancee visa so that the applicant is aware of dates, venue, etc etc
    Also most registrars will not let you do it with only one person present, which is the common problem for most of you guys & gals.
    But seeing as she is here we could go together now and get something sorted before she leaves.

    I would just like some help or info as to what is required to show our friendly ECOs regarding preliminary wedding arrangements and also some pointers about who I need to contact here to get some sort of evidence

    I have the contact details for my local registrar so can contact them but do I need to speak to venues and all that stuff too

    All comments welcome please

    Have a good day y'all
    He who drop watch down the toilet have $hitty time

  2. #2
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    prelimanary booking
    Just ask them for a provisional date letter to include in the Fiancee application, your girl does not have to be with you for that. Give them a box of chocs as thanks for the letter, it makes them eager to do the next one.
    Keith - Administrator

  3. #3
    Respected Member scotsfiancee's Avatar
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    My fiance went to there local registrar here and he paid for about £25 to get the provisional booking for wedding. For the venue just got that piece of paper from his friend who work in a restaurant.

    But when i got my visa last sept 11, i just got the letter that he send to me which is the provisional papers (wedding and lunch) that i supposed to be fax at the same day too, so lucky embassy didn't look it up.
    Scot ===>

    "The world is all about diversity. I am different and you are different."

  4. #4
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    Must be tight Scottish folk, most folk in England don't pay for that
    Keith - Administrator

  5. #5
    Respected Member fontain's Avatar
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    Just spoke to my local registrar and once I have a definate date in mind
    (and an agreement ) I just have to call them up to provisionally book it and they will send me a letter of confirmation, subject to notice etc etc etc

    But thats what I need to give her to assist the application.

    She has already seen the registry office, a covert walk by the other day, so with the piece of paper and the info she knows, she should be well equipt to deal with anything they throw at her

    So hopefully nice and simple

    I just hope everything else runs smoothly

    Gotta look for a ring now

    Shes meeting my parents tonight, going round there for dinner.
    And she goes back to ML on Wednesday.

    So probably genna pop the question over the weekend and give her some really good news to take home

    Wish me luck
    He who drop watch down the toilet have $hitty time

  6. #6
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    Best to let her get a ring in the Phil, as it's real gold out there not the 9ct crap over-priced here.
    Keith - Administrator

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