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Thread: Alert status raised in Negros vs swine flu

  1. #1
    Respected Member Ladybug_sim's Avatar
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    Alert status raised in Negros vs swine flu

    By George M. De La Cruz

    NEGROS Occidental raised an alert Tuesday amid the swine flu pandemic that appears to be even worse than Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome, which left nearly 800 people dead.

    Strict quarantine measures on ports and seaports are being imposed in the province.

    “The effort is to anticipate the likelihood of a swine flu virus spread in the province as a preventive measure,” said Negros Occidental Governor Isidro Zayco.

    A meeting attended by paravets, veterinarians, local government units, hog raisers, poultry and livestock associations, among others, is ongoing Wednesday at Bacolod Pavilion Resort, said Provincial Veterinarian Renante Decena, “to ensure that we maintain our meat and meat products infection-free and bio-secured.”

    Strictly enforcing the “no permit, no entry” policy in a bid to stop the entry of breeder hogs from the Luzon and Cebu provinces, the provincial administration also strengthened the Foot and Mouth Disease (FMD) Task Force in the province.

    This is in response to the growing threat of the swine flu virus, which is highly communicable and already affected a hundred people in Mexico, mostly students, prompting widespread school closures and other precautionary measures.

    Philippine government agencies composed of the Bureau of Animal Industry, Department of Health (DOH), and Department of Agriculture (DA) also raised respective alerts banning pork imports from the United States and Mexico.

    Decena said ports and seaports in the provinces of Cebu and Luzon are possible entry points for pork imports.

    Various foot baths have been strictly maintained in all ports and seaports to ensure that the province maintains its FMD-free status, Decena said.

    “Communication has already been sent to the province’s backyard and commercial hog raisers, including hog raisers associations, to closely monitor and report to the task force incidence of suspected swine flu. We have alerted all our requirement inspectors in every port and seaport in the province.”

    But he added that despite the threat, “(this) will not affect the swine industry of the province considering there is an oversupply of hogs.”

    Negros ranks third as the country’s hog-producing province. The provinces of Bulacan and Batangas raked in good profits from the industry, being the first and second top suppliers of hogs, respectively.

    “We encourage LGUs to strictly impose pertinent laws against illegal slaughtering to ensure that pork is safe (for consumption),” Decena said.

    Negros ships out 5,000 hogs monthly, Decena said, adding the province can make the most out of the threat. He noted that an oversupply of hogs is “good for the domestic market” and would result in “increase in profit for hog raisers.”

    The swine flu virus is caused by a number of closely related influenza A viruses that are noted for their ability to change their antigenic structure and create new strains, Decena said.

    He noted that the disease’s incubation period is very short, as short as 12-48 hours with the onset usually rapid and dramatic.

    “It is virtually impossible to maintain a population of pigs that is influenza virus free.”

    He added that immunity to influenza viruses is often short-lived (six months) and the immunity profile in the breeding herd varies considerably with time.

  2. #2
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    I think I've got swine flu.....I've come out in rashers!!
    Keith - Administrator

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Just imagine......

    The Philippines without lechon Baboy, lechon Kawale, Crispy Pata, etc, etc.......

    Cholesterol problem solved..........!!!!

  4. #4
    Respected Member bornatbirth's Avatar
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    i feel like a bacon butty

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by bornatbirth View Post
    i feel like a bacon butty
    You don't look like one..........

  6. #6
    Member SurvivingAngel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by aromulus View Post
    Just imagine......

    The Philippines without lechon Baboy, lechon Kawale, Crispy Pata, etc, etc.......

    Cholesterol problem solved..........!!!!
    Hi Sir Dom,

    This is Angie, KeithAngel's friend. I just signed up for this site. I don't know how else to reach you as I think I still can't send PM's to people here. I don't know if Keith has asked for your permission to allow me/us to offer services to the members of the forum. I was the one who did the translation of that long letter in Cebuano, posted by jk09.

    Please let me know if it's ok or not. Thanks in advance.


  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by SurvivingAngel View Post
    Hi Sir Dom,

    This is Angie, KeithAngel's friend. I just signed up for this site. I don't know how else to reach you as I think I still can't send PM's to people here. I don't know if Keith has asked for your permission to allow me/us to offer services to the members of the forum. I was the one who did the translation of that long letter in Cebuano, posted by jk09.

    Please let me know if it's ok or not. Thanks in advance.


    I guess it will be alright, but the decision is not mine to make.
    Admin ("The" other Keith) will pop along sooner or later and will probably mail you.

  8. #8
    Member SurvivingAngel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by aromulus View Post

    I guess it will be alright, but the decision is not mine to make.
    Admin ("The" other Keith) will pop along sooner or later and will probably mail you.
    Thank you Sir Dom. I attached a link to one of my posts and it did not appear. So I guess, it's not ok yet.

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