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Thread: how visa works.........

  1. #1
    Respected Member rutchzzz143's Avatar
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    how visa works.........

    My fiancee is a british citizen (graham smith) he is intended to leave in the UK starting this end of june and stay here in phil for about 3 months so in regards to this situation as passport holder he only given a 20 days maximum for holidays so while its over 20 days thats why he need a visa to stay in the phil for the period of time foremost........

    what things he needs to required to get a visa in the UK to come and stay in phil? and expected how many days will be the visa issued to get it and proced for the coming to expected june-middle of september he will stay in phil b4r our wedding day by sept. 9,2009..................

    so up next have a problems in my part as a wife soon(routchil gealon)
    being a wife or getting maried here in phil first of course i need to have or apply for a spousal visa ryt?

    but remember via november 2008 rules in the UK changes for the age preferences instead of 18 they arisen it into the 21 up if this is compulsory ,well i need to wait till i be 21 as im 18 recently!!!

    so next step im thinking for a

    SCHENGEN it applicable to me ,do this have a age limit at least 18 yrs old higher?

    or so if ok for me to apply wat is req as im pilipino passport holder and as my hubby british passport holder as well?

    so wat is best things req for this visa type.............

    nice to hear you all

    im willinh to listen all advices here and im glad i got lotd of good details

    god blesss

  2. #2
    Respected Member
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    that was hard to read

    He will need to apply for filipino visa at philippines embassy in london. He can apply for 3 months, 1 year visa but for the price it is better to go for a multi trip 1 year visa.

    As you are 18 you will have to wait till you are 21 before applying for a spouse visa.

  3. #3
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