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Thread: post office

  1. #1
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    post office

    hello everyone,sorry to trouble you all again.but i need your advice. right here we mum sent two parcels of baby clothes,including my sons philipino birth certificate along with a photo copy of my passport,driving my girlfriend in the philipines.using airmail through the post office.that was two weeks girlfriend says she still hasnt received it im starting to worry that it may of been lost or worse.i have tried calling p,o customer services as i have a receipt but couldnt get past the computer voice system,i tried for an hour.but no joy.does it take two weeks for a parcel to arrive in phillipines from uk?thanks for listening to me ramble on.sorry if ive bored u!

  2. #2
    Respected Member Pepe n Pilar's Avatar
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    I have sent dvds and cds by post (registered mail). That was royal mail and it took 28 days before it reached the recipient in the Philippines. Before it was only about 9 -10 days.
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  3. #3
    Respected Member bornatbirth's Avatar
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    the post can take longer there? like most things in the philipines it can take awhile!

    try contacting the local post office to you as it maybe on a shelf waiting catching dust until someone will deliver it to you?

    i sent my wife a parcel and it took over 3 weeks and i sent my mom inlaw a parcel a month ago and she phoned the post office near her and it was there undelivered so she went and got it!

  4. #4
    Respected Member Pepe n Pilar's Avatar
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    If it is registered mail then the recipient will receive a white card (notification card) for him to claim the parcel from the Post Office.
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  5. #5
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    thankyou all !mine is registered if ive got a receipt right?28 days damn thats along time.but better than not getting there at all.ill just have to sit tight and wait

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by bert72 View Post
    thankyou all !mine is registered if ive got a receipt right?28 days damn thats along time.but better than not getting there at all.ill just have to sit tight and wait
    Is the receipt just proof of posting (these are issued for nothing)? Or was extra paid for "International Signed For"?

  7. #7
    eagles's Avatar
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    it will take 4 weeks (the least) if the recipient is province-based, add another week... Our postal service is so slow...

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by bert72 View Post
    hello everyone,sorry to trouble you all again.but i need your advice. right here we mum sent two parcels of baby clothes,including my sons philipino birth certificate along with a photo copy of my passport,driving my girlfriend in the philipines.using airmail through the post office.that was two weeks girlfriend says she still hasnt received it im starting to worry that it may of been lost or worse.i have tried calling p,o customer services as i have a receipt but couldnt get past the computer voice system,i tried for an hour.but no joy.does it take two weeks for a parcel to arrive in phillipines from uk?thanks for listening to me ramble on.sorry if ive bored u!
    Would the package go through the Phil. Postal service? if so, it hasn't been lost yet... could be that it hasn't arrived yet... my friend in Australia sent me a package via post and it arrived a month after.. LOL

    You can ask your gf to call the local Postal service to follow-up on it.

  9. #9
    Respected Member eljean's Avatar
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    Honestly speaking,our Post in PI is such a pain in ***! they charge packages when you are about to claim,they dont deliver it at your doorstep,they give you only notice that a there is a package for you...and also it takes ages to come...i would suggest to use other courier /freight i know its a bit more to pay but sure it get there at your doorstep.
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  10. #10
    Respected Member jencha8569's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by eljean View Post
    Honestly speaking,our Post in PI is such a pain in ***! they charge packages when you are about to claim,they dont deliver it at your doorstep,they give you only notice that a there is a package for you...and also it takes ages to come...i would suggest to use other courier /freight i know its a bit more to pay but sure it get there at your doorstep.
    i totally agree with you. take ages before i receive parcels, letters, cards my husband sends and u have to pay certain pesos before u can get it at there office not door to door plus not totally sealed opposite way (from phil to uk) takes days or a week only. Phil post is so slow if its important docs like eljean said better use other courier so ur gf can get it quick, safe and sound

  11. #11
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    I dont know how much it cost you to send those items but I sent Chryss some very important documents for her visa and used DHL. It cost me £47 and they were picked up from me on the monday and she had them on the thursday. I would never send anything using Parcel Farce and none of the letters I mailed her ever got there.
    If you can afford it and theres important items use DHL. Also we could track the item online after just a few hours.

  12. #12
    Respected Member eljean's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jencha8569 View Post
    i totally agree with you. take ages before i receive parcels, letters, cards my husband sends and u have to pay certain pesos before u can get it at there office not door to door plus not totally sealed opposite way (from phil to uk) takes days or a week only. Phil post is so slow if its important docs like eljean said better use other courier so ur gf can get it quick, safe and sound
    and another thing is that if it's a parcel from abroad they are about to open it first up and check if there is any valuable things in there and if there is they charge you morei mean ehhhh????? not to be so proud of
    Filipina a born survivor!

  13. #13
    Respected Member IainBusby's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by eljean View Post
    and another thing is that if it's a parcel from abroad they are about to open it first up and check if there is any valuable things in there and if there is they charge you morei mean ehhhh????? not to be so proud of
    Or maybe steal it.

  14. #14
    Respected Member kimmi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by IainBusby View Post
    Or maybe steal it.
    u got it right Iain..

  15. #15
    Respected Member Tawi2's Avatar
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    I have had things going AWOL on parcels sent to Pinas,and have sent birthday cards etc which were opened at that end Bad postal service with an equally bad rep

  16. #16
    Respected Member nigel's Avatar
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    I once sent a dvd player to my vimvie in philippines..(it was me wooing her, haha!) we waited one month I think and it didn't arrive! Feeling miffed I sent her a second one right away... 'Cause I knew my Vimvie loved her movies and I so wanted her to have a dvd know how this story is going to end don't you? Two weeks later she recieved 2 dvd players! I've actually sent loads of stuff to's nothing unusual for it to be late, but nothing I ever sent got stolen...

    A country that has a bad reputation for having mail stolen, from what I gather, is Greece!

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  17. #17
    Respected Member jencha8569's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by eljean View Post
    and another thing is that if it's a parcel from abroad they are about to open it first up and check if there is any valuable things in there and if there is they charge you morei mean ehhhh????? not to be so proud of

    yes i agree i had experienced it before, the first time i received my husbands parcel they open it first see if all the items listed was there nothing valuable really just it has to arrive in my own hands not to others

    So far i received all things he sending me will take ages though

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