... members were given the opportunity to "air their views" on Western customs they'd like to see introduced to the Phils. But the Pinas themselves could teach US Brits a thing or two that would help to improve OUR lfestyle. Here then, are a few obvious ones that immediately spring to mind:
Jeepneys ... as a cost-effective method of commuting within suburban districts and town/city centres.to Perth-based 'Stagecoach' & Co.! [Only thing IS ... would I still be able to use my free Bus Pass?]
Trisikads ... even more so [except perhaps in the more hilly areas.]
Politeness & Respect ... in general, but particularly amongst the younger generations in deference to their elders; also noticeably less evidence of mindless vandalism and wanton destruction. :xxviolent
Assistance With Packing ... as is the habit in Philippine shopping malls. (Could do WITHOUTthe security guards probing peoples' bags with their "magic wands" though).
And last ... but by no means, least ... The Sale Of 'Single' Cigarettes like the inexpensive - yet high-quality 'Hope' - [from storage jars] to be found in most of the smaller retail outlets on street corners (often with seating provided outside for patrons to enjoy a relaxing "quick puff"!)