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Thread: McClaren hints at revamping squad

  1. #1
    Respected Member Win2Win's Avatar
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    Post McClaren hints at revamping squad

    England coach Steve McClaren warns his players to expect changes in personnel.


  2. #2
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    He obviosuly read my thread the other day
    Keith - Administrator

  3. #3
    Respected Member fontain's Avatar
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    I got an apology

    I`m a member of the supporters club and received this yesterday......

    From: Steve McClaren []
    Sent: 12 October 2006 16:28
    Subject: A personal message from Steve McClaren

    Make no mistake the players, staff and myself are, like you, all hurting today.

    We care passionately about winning football matches, not least to repay the faith and dedication of the England fans who travel with us to places such as Zagreb and the millions watching on TV at home.

    The result in Croatia, following on from the draw against Macedonia, was a major disappointment. There are no excuses and I accept personal responsibility. That goes with the job.

    We have to do better and I am convinced that we will. No one should doubt that we realise there is work ahead and we will be doing everything in our power to build a team that you, the fans, can be proud of.

    There is a lot of football still to be played in this group. Qualification will not be won or lost in one match and we now have to look ahead. We have two friendlies before our next competitive game and we will approach them in a positive frame of mind. I know the players will be absolutely desperate to put in a good performance.

    I know that there were problems endured by England fans at the ground in Croatia. We are concerned that genuine supporters were badly treated and this is something that The FA will take up with UEFA. Our fans have been terrific travelling around the world to give us unrivalled backing and it's important that we ensure you are properly looked after.

    I would like to end on a positive note by praising the fantastic achievement of the Under-21 team in qualifying for next summer's European Championships. It was a terrific performance over two legs against Germany and Peter Taylor and the players deserve a lot of credit.

    He who drop watch down the toilet have $hitty time

  4. #4
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    I know the players will be absolutely desperate to put in a good performance.
    That'll be after the Macedonian game then?
    Keith - Administrator

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