To try to settle a debate as diversive as this one in a forum like this is pointless. The viewpoints are totally different. I have had a long running debate on the major USA RC church website forum on this subject and there is just no meeting of minds at all. They feel 100% sure that what they say is right and that anyone who has a different opinion is their enemy. The aggression is quite appalling at times.
No-one in their right mind likes abortion and in my view it should always be the action of very last resort, the least worst choice available. What I fail to understand is how the RC church can sustain a total ban upon abortion AND a total ban on non "natural" contraception. Great idea put about by guys who have no knowledge of the real world and (apparently) no sexual experience, based upon a dodgy interpretation of some words in a book written by various people in another age. Time for a re-think maybe?
To advise the lady in question is impossible in my opinion as this must be her decision. However, I strongly feel that no-one should even think of allowing their personal religious convictions to be introduced into any advice they might think of giving her. Limit advice to practical considerations only and leave moral judgements aside.