I can call the unborn a foetus until it's born, because that is the dictionary definition. It's not crazy, it's accurate.
I didn't say my problem with pro-life men is because they have killed. My problem with them is they can never be pregnant and therefore understand the feelings of pregnant women who are in a dire situation and cannot cope with raising a baby nor bare to give it away. They seem singularly inappropriate to impose and enforce.
Sorry, but to say those who murder abortionists are no worse than the abortionists is in my opinion extreme and worrying. And yes they are hypocrites. Pro-life murders. And 'baby killers' is a specious term.
I am not advocating abortion but I think the women's rights trumps the foetus', and that there is no equivalence in the early stages of pregnancy. It should be an absolute last resort and follow counselling. But I believe it is the woman's right at the end of the day. And the consequences where it is illegal can be horrific.
Once the foetus reaches the stage where it is technically able to survive without the mother if born prematurely is where I would try to draw the line, but clearly this is a grey area, and moves with time.
thanks judy for your views.Its very much appreciated and to each and everyone of you here guys.She did the said act for a resaon and that reason is for her and her alone.No matter how we react to this thing but we cannot do anything about it as its her own free will.
to loved and beloved is the greatest joy on earth...
Every sperm is wanted
Absit invidia
DISCLAIMER: The information hereinabove may or may not be entirely accurate, relevant, forthright, verifiable, or coherent. KeithAngel, who shall herein be refered to as the 'Shining Beacon of Light', reserves the right to neither confirm, deny, justify, explain, or otherwise acknowledge any inquiry in regards to the validity, genuinity, construction, intent, and/or motive of any statements, gestures, and/or actions whether real, imagined, or transdimensional in origin. Further, the 'Shining Beacon of Light' shall be absolved of any and all legal, moral, and financial responsibilities for damages to life, limb, character, reputation, property, and/or business resulting from the usage, assimilation, incorporation, replication, and/or distribution of said statements whether partial, complete, misquoted, or imagined. This disclaimer remains in effect despite any discrepancies or claims as to its legibility, comprehension, interpretation, subliminal suggestiveness, political affiliation, legality, visibility, and/or physical presence
in humans, it is called an embryo until about eight weeks after fertilization, and from then it's called a foetus.
but I've never heard a parent call it a foetus they call it a baby, even my doc misses called little joe a baby when she was pregnant with him, not a foetus
[QUOTE=trader dave;136186]from everywhere but not at your level ????/[/QUOTE
And what Level is that?
The last time I had the chance to talk to my lady friends, my househelp and laundry lady, my former students, coworkers, as well as my neighbors in the slums where I lived... they never thought that having white skin or having a child from a foreigner would give them a better chance in life. Actually, they believe that a foreign bf will leave them after getting them pregnant just like the many EuroAsian, FilAm, and FilJap children here, and wouldn't want to have anything to do with their Filipina when they go back to their motherland.
My Mum still insists on calling me her ‘baby boy’ despite the fact that I am 37 years old, 6’ 4’’ and 200 pounds, especially after she has had a few glasses of red, and Judy or my friends are around. Part of her probably sees me that way and always will. It doesn’t change the reality. When people are close to or dealing with a personal issue they often use emotive or euphemistic terms, and that’s fine.
But in the context of such a sensitive and moral issue as abortion, I think use of the emotive ‘baby’ misnomer is often a ploy of the pro-life lobby - of transference – and to suggest that removing a blastocyte is equivalent to ‘baby killing’ is a fallacy to me. But not to many…
That is such a very hard decision to make but what did you tell her anyway?yes, for me it is a sin as it is in one in the ten commandments
"Thou shall not kill"
It's not your fault whatever she decide for the baby and also you can't really judge the person who would go for it like those who got rape or fallin pregnant by their own father you can only give your own opinion on it...there must be a reason why she has to do it but going through this kind of thing would really haunt you for the rest of your life.
Filipina a born survivor!
[QUOTE=Florge;136367] ok right you are educated come from a well off background? you have a nice job ,live in a nice area ??? YES
DONT TELL ME YOU LIVE IN A SLUM AREA squatter area ??????? -----------
my lady friends, my househelp and laundry lady, my former students, coworkers, as well as my neighbors in the slums where I lived...
LETS PUT IT TO YOU VERY BLUNTLY -you have never had to sell your body to buy a tin of babies milk or because your child is very ill HAVE YOU ???
its a well known fact that if you are darker skinned you possibly are poor you work in the fields --if you are paler skin you more than likely are educated and work in a office ?????// every filipina i know hides under a umbrella as soon as the sun shines because doesnt want to get any browner and if you are fat you are well fed
if you dont believe what i am telling you --me and my fiancee will be in manila this coming weekend you discuss it with her she will tell about the different classes in your country because you are obviously out of touch with it
or it depends who you talk too?
i have even seem light skinned maids and dark skinned wifes,so if the light skinned maid is so smart why is she working for the dark skinned lady and before you say it she had a foreigner hubby?
there are poor filipinos of different colours ther'ye not all dark skinned?
i have learnt to do what my wife says!
[QUOTE=trader dave;136415]errrrmmm... I am not fair-skinned.. I am dark-skinned, but I love the way I look... and I do live in the slums... my neighbors are recipients of Gawad Kalinga (I hope you know what that is).
AND TO PUT IT TO YOU BLUNTLY AS WELL, even if we're a 3rd-world country, not all Pinays marry foreigners because we think they're rich.. there are Pinays who marry foreigners because they truly love them.. as most of the Pinays here would agree with me on that.
I do not have to sell my body because there are other means of earning income rather than doing it.. it is against my values.. I have worked my way to where I am now so I didn't have to sell my body for baby's milk and I do not have to do that as I do not have a child yet... If you have met these types of Filipinas, please do not generalize everyone of us...
Your fiancee need not discuss this with me as I am in touch with ALL "levels" and I do not stereotype women. I have volunteered to help Gabriella and mind you, the 'Level" you're saying is just a small portion of the entire whole. So I would appreciate it very much if you would not pluralize your comments as it is so belittling and offensive. Maybe you and your fiancee is just exposed to the level that you know now?
Anyway, this is a thread about abortion.. and let's keep it that way... it's such a low blow stereotyping Pinays wanting to marry foreigners to get a better life... not everyone.
my misses has seen many abortions carried out in hospital in the phils, and even helped in some, because of botched back street abortions. where the woman has lost a lot of blood and has had to be taken to hospital, not something you want to happen to anyone, also there is a risk she will never be able to have babies again
[QUOTE=Florge;136427]I agree not everyone, also not everyone is a loving wife and honest churchgoer either.
Every country has good and bad, fact.
But you`ve got to admit, theres a load of skin "whitening" products available in Phil. Whether its cos they beleive it`ll make them more succesful or not theres loads of filipinas that want a whiter skin.
Thats a fact or there wouldnt be these products on the shelves or all the commercials on the TV.
That always makes me laugh I tell Chryss one of the things I like about her is the colour of her skin. I dont see whether light or dark shows wealth but thats just my opinion.
On the subject of abortions and such. I heard people say that the church should say that contraception is ok and that would help reduce the over population of places like Phil.
Well working by that theory how about if the church announces that stealing, pickpocketing is a sin?
Would that stop all the thieves/snatchers there?
I think we all know it wont.......
Talking about skin whitener amazing how some of us not satisfied with what we have got skin color wise.I mean I must admit I used to be one of them using whitening lotion and soap but when my hubby told me how nice my color is and she said that girls in uk wanting to be tan and I didn`t believe him but then when I discovered it myself that he was right that changed my views and make me think how fool I am to be victimized by this belief that white is beautiful.And to Mr.trader dave I really do believe when I was younger that if a filipina woman marries a caucasian they`ll be having a beautiful children but it never came across my mind that filipina wanting to have kids from foriegner so that in return their kids will have a better life because they probably a bit prettier.But mind you I have a neighbour who happened to have this american bf but when that guy found out that she was pregnant he abandoned her and now the kid is about on his teen and never meet his father.Its a sad story but It happened!!!
to loved and beloved is the greatest joy on earth...
That's true about skin whitening... but the market trend now is leading toward getting clearer, softer skin.. and age-defying skin products.. I think the local Pinays are learning that they need to love their skin... for the Gen Y at least... since they see on tv that their fave actresses are getting a tan.
mY FRIEND, Abortion is a big SIN
"Praise be to the LORD, for he showed his wonderful love to me when I was in a besieged city"...
(Psalm 31:21)
What does God say about abortion? Do the millions of abortions that have taken place in this land bother Him? Is a fetus a "real person" in the eyes of God? If so, where does that leave us? If an unborn life is truly just a mere mass of fetal tissue to God, we should want to know. If He considers the life of the woman more important than her unborn child, we should want to know. And if He does consider that unborn life a "real person", and just as important as the life of the mother that bears it, we most certainly should want to know. After all, we are all accountable to God not only for our individual lives, but also as a generation and a nation
Throughout the Bible God has plenty to say about the taking of an innocent life. Most people in our nation, though they may not be familiar with all of the Ten Commandments, know that "Thou Shalt Not Kill" is listed there somewhere. The word "kill" in this instance, specifically refers to "murder"--a premeditated and deliberate act of taking someone's life. It is different than other forms of taking a life, which could be accidental, or in self-defense. God has different laws regarding different sorts of death. But He continually opposes and speaks against murder, especially murder of the innocent.
Do not pollute the land where you are. Bloodshed pollutes the land and atonement cannot be made for the land on which the blood has been shed, except by the blood of the one who shed it. Do not defile the land where you live. Numbers 35:33-34
God's judgement against the killing of an innocent life grows out of His love for humankind. The crime of murder is not only an offense against the sanctity of life, it is a pollutant upon the very land we live. God wants to spare us of the variety of ways this pollution is manifested. When the land becomes defiled with sin, people cry out "where is God?" yet they refuse to take responsibility for breaking His laws which were only given to us for our protection and good. Each sin that we commit is not merely an isolated incident, but will set off a chain reaction of other sins if not dealt with. Since the legalization of abortion for instance, child abuse has increased over 1000%. This is the exact opposite of what those who legalized abortion thought it would do since it was assumed that only children who were initially unwanted were abused.
In Psalm 106 God speaks specifically against killing innocent children and babies. He says of His people: They mingled with the nations and adopted their customs. They worshipped their idols which became a snare to them. They sacrificed their sons and their daughter to demons. They shed innocent blood, the blood of their sons and daughters whom they sacrificed to the idols of Canaan and the land was desecrated by their blood.
Today we may scoff, or wonder in disbelief how anyone, especially someone who claimed to follow God, could sacrifice their child to an idol or a demon. Yet, an idol is anything that we worship before God. Today, children are sacrificed to the idols of selfishness, convenience, "freedom," and ambition--sacrificed to the very demonic powers that are behind such idols. Times really haven't changed that much. Human nature hasn't changed, nor has Satan's schemes against that which God considered so precious that He died to redeem it--human life
One may argue here that they agree that it is wrong to murder, but they still don't see how a fetus necessarily qualifies as a human being. Perhaps God doesn't feel the same way about a very young fetus, as He does an older fetus, a newborn, or a 50-year-old. It may be a different issue altogether with Him. Does the Bible say anything specifically about unborn children?
In Exodus 21:22 God gives a specific law regarding social order for the Israelites. He stated that if two men were fighting and hit a pregnant woman, thus causing her to give birth prematurely, they must be fined according to any damage done to the baby. The fine must be paid in relation to the amount of damage inflicted upon the child. If God would make a law specifically referring to the rights of the unborn, then surely the unborn must mean something to Him!
It has been stated If the womb had windows, there would be no abortion. As humans, we are not omnipresent and cannot know the full scope of what each human life is worth. We cannot dwell in the womb with a fetus, nor can we see it as it matures. But God can
Just 18 days after conception, the baby's heart begins to beat. At six weeks, brain waves can be measured. At eight weeks the vital organs are functioning and fingerprints have formed. At nine weeks, the unborn baby is able to feel pain. Over 700,000 abortions each year are performed after this point in the pregnancy. By the beginning of the second month, the unborn child, small as it is, has begun to look distinctly human, though the mother may not even be aware that she is pregnant! By the time the baby is eleven weeks old, he or she breaths (fluid), swallows, digests, sleeps, dreams, wakes, tastes, hears, and feels pain. Babies born prematurely can survive outside the womb as young as 20-25 weeks old. Yet, all that is necessary to make the baby a grown human being is already there from the moment of conception. All it needs is time to mature.
Former Surgeon General, Dr. C. Everett Koop stated "We now know when life begins because the test-tube baby proves that life begins with conception. What do you have in the dish? An egg and a sperm. What do you add to it to get a baby? Nothing." Though it is wee, it is still a real person, just as a crumb of bread is still real bread. No one who has been given the gift of life should dare despise the day of small beginnings. Have we forgotten so quickly that we were once as small?
"In the tiny, almost invisible thirty two cell blastocyst--in that one gram or so of tissue--there is a physical potential and moral destiny unparalleled in our universe. Next to it, a gram of plutonium is a triviality: plutonium cannot compose a symphony, cannot cure cancer, cannot plan our course to the stars". -Bernard Nathanson, M.D. and former abortionist
God said to the prophet Jeremiah, Before I formed you in the womb I knew you. Before you were born I set you apart; I appointed you as a prophet to the nations. Jeremiah 1:5 God knew this man before he was born. As he was forming in his mother's womb God gave him his personality, talents, and temperament. If his mother had gotten an abortion, the "fetal tissue" she aborted would have been a real person named Jeremiah; a mighty prophet of God and the gift of God's voice to the nations, though she would never have known.
The Lord hath called me from the womb: from the bowels of my mother hath he made mention of my name. Isaiah 49:1 KJV
Did not he who made me in the womb make them? Did not the same one form us within our mothers? Job 31:15
For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother's womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Psalm 139:13-14
The above verses are only a sampling of the many Biblical references we find to life inside the mother's womb. From them, it is clear that life begins when God creates it, not at some later point in time when it has grown to look like a newborn. God does not judge things according to their stage of development the way humans tend to. According to the above passages, even the tiniest embryo is the subject of His love and care. God sees each of our lives in the realm of our total existence, whether we are yet unborn, a young woman in the prime of her life, or an old man on his deathbed. He is patient with all of us, longing to bring each one of us into His maturity.
To destroy innocent human life is a crime against God, and a rejection of the truth that we were made in His image. Everything in the universe belongs to Him anyway. The earth is the Lord's, and everything in it, the world and ALL who live in it. Psalm 24:1 Our own lives are a precious gift given to us, but ultimately we belong to God! We are His possessions; we have merely been granted stewardship over our lives, talents, money, time, the earth we live on and the things we "own." Though children pass through us they are not ours, anymore that we are property of our parents. Each of us has been given the gift of life and freedom, for which we are responsible and accountable to God. None of us has the right to deny that same gift to an unborn person. It is an honor to carry that powerful force of another life within our very bodies-- a life made in the very image of God! (Genesis 5:1-2)
God is no respecter of persons. If He knew Jeremiah in the womb, He knew you too. Do you believe that God lovingly fashioned you and loves you dearly? Do you believe that He has had a plan for your life from the beginning of time? A plan that none other can fulfill in quite the same way you can? That you came to this earth "trailing clouds of glory?" Or do you believe in your heart that you were a mere "accident" and that God has no personal concern for you or your life? Is it easier to believe that you are just a highly evolved animal? An animal (especially an undeveloped one) may certainly be easier to dispose of. It seems somehow even "natural," as the laws of nature lend themselves to the survival of the strong and the equipped. Yet it seems doubtful that even an animal would come up with a way to deliberately kill it's unborn offspring.
Even the jackals offer their breasts to nurse their young, but my people have become heartless like ostriches in the desert. Lamentations 4:3
Oh, let us turn from our heartlessness and defend the sanctity of human life! Out of respect for God, let us offer mercy and compassion to every life around us, born or unborn. Let us be givers of life instead of takers of life
Every 20 seconds another baby is aborted in this country, yet very few seem to notice. Statistically, one out of every three of us will die by abortion, and we will never know what we lost in those lives. Our country goes along its way leaving lawmakers to decide how the carnage should continue. We've bought into the lie that those we dispose of are not real people. It is the same old lie that was used to keep slavery legal, and to exterminate masses of peoples in holocausts all over the world. We should be able to see through it by now, but as usual, most of us let circumstances and the current cultural climate dictate to us what is acceptable or not. Yet God tells us to: Rescue those being led away to death, hold back those staggering toward slaughter. If you say "But we knew nothing of this," does not He who weighs the heart perceive it? Does not he who guards your life know it? Will he not repay each person according to what he has done? Proverbs 24:11
In our society today we face a myriad of social problems as a result of our hypocrisy. Most of us have had to become somewhat doubleminded just to keep a vestige of sanity. We put warnings on cigarettes and alcohol, that their consumption is dangerous to an unborn child. Yet we deem it perfectly legal, even "responsible" for a mother to have a doctor poison that same child inside her, or rip it to shreds with a surgical instrument. We might charge a man who kills a pregnant woman with a double homicide, yet what if that woman was on her way to the abortion clinic to dispose of her baby anyway? Do we then charge him with a single homicide? Why do 21 states have legislation to delay a death sentence imposed against a pregnant woman who is guilty of a crime, until after she delivers her baby? If we really believed what we said about the unborn child being a mere blob of tissue, it would seem that no one would mind if that baby died along with the mother in the electric chair.
We wonder how respectable college kids can throw their newborn baby into a dumpster, yet what are we supposed to think? We're the ones who told them that it is irresponsible to raise a child at their young age and that an "unwanted child" (which is a fallacy) is better off dead. They are not to blame as much as the media, the lawmakers, the abortion counselors, the doctors, and the voters. When a woman can have an abortion on a nine month old unborn child, and yet a week later be tried for murder if she disposed of the child outside the womb (which at that point, would seem to be a much easier and practical way to dispose of the baby) what are the young people of this nation supposed to think? Do we really have to wonder at the lack of respect for human life that we see around us?
Evil prevails when good men, in the name of freedom, do nothing. Live as free men, but do not use your freedom as a cover-up for evil. I Peter 2:16 I Peter 2:16 Very few of us would argue that crack cocaine, or rape should be legal simply because people are going to do it anyway, yet that is the argument that is applied to abortion. As a nation, our morals and ethics vacillate between honor and convenience, integrity and greed. This doublemindedness has become a cancer eating away at the very heart of our nation.
History will speak of our abortion as a mark of the absolute decadence of our era. There will come a time when we will look back on abortion with the same shame we do now towards our evil treatment of the American Indians, and the blight of slavery. We wonder why history continues to repeat itself. It is because evil starts in little ways--it starts as a seemingly innocent thought in the heart of man. Sin always seems practical, necessary, or even "cute" in it's initial stages. It is only in hindsight that we can see just how atrocious those massive exterminations were and how they went against the very core of what the United States was supposed to be. Yet, we have no right to condemn previous generations for the same deeds we commit today. Then, as now, the masses simply went along with whatever was the popular opinion. In regard to slavery, it was even argued that the government didn't have a right to tell people whether they could own slaves or not... That it was a personal choice to be made and that freedom of choice is what our country is all about. Only in that case they forgot the rights of one whole people group. Sound familiar?
Then the Lord said to Cain, "Where is your brother Abel?" "I don't know," he replied. "Am I my brother's keeper?" The Lord said. "What have you done? Listen! Your brother's blood cries out to me from the ground. Now you are under a curse and driven from the ground which opened it's mouth to receive your brother's blood from your hand." Genesis 4:9-11
As a nation, we must repent for the heartlessness we have displayed to the most helpless members of our culture. Though God is merciful, He is also just. He cannot ignore the cries of the blood that has soaked our ground and stained our hands. We are bringing ourselves under a curse, but do not have the eyes to see it. We only see the fruit of that curse and we wonder what went wrong. Like Cain, our ears have become deafened to the cries of those we have murdered
There are too many of us who prefer to let the media do our thinking for us. Should we disagree, many of us are too intimidated to ever speak out with conviction. As we let time go by, our godly convictions begin to slip away and we become numb. Eventually, we may even support that which we had earlier condemned. This is called the "searing of a conscience." It happened in Hitler's Germany and it is happening today. How can we bring a dead conscience back to life? How can we know the difference between right and wrong? As was just established, we cannot merely "listen to our heart" and follow what seems best at the time. Some of the most horrifying deeds in history have been done by those who were following whatever moral code was most convenient at the time. Freedom is not doing whatever suits our fancy at the moment. That will only bring slavery and sorrow to our souls. True freedom is having the power to know what is right and to choose accordingly. But how can we choose, if we do not know? How can we obtain true freedom?
You shall know the TRUTH and the TRUTH shall set you free. John 8:32
We must cleanse our minds by the washing with the water through the WORD. (Ephesians 5:26) God's WORD is the Bible--ancient, yet ageless and seething with life. It will literally clean our thinking and bring life to our sin-deadened minds so we can see what He sees and feel what He feels. It will reveal our very thoughts to ourselves.
For the WORD of God is living and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart. Hebrews 4:12
Respect for God, His creation, and His Holy WORD, is the only way we will ever find true freedom. The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, but fools despise wisdom and discipline. Proverbs 1:7 Wisdom and compassion cannot be found outside of God for He is wisdom and He is love. Long before heaven and earth were made, and long after they disappear, His WORD will still remain. On the Day of Judgement abortion and every other atrocity we have tried to justify will be shown for the evil it is. We must seek God now, while we have the time to do it! Today is the day of salvation.
It is not too late to repent and turn our hearts back to the Lord. We can bring healing and life to this land that we love if we will humble ourselves before God's mighty right hand. If my people, who are called by my name, and humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and heal their land. II Chronicles 7:14
If you are planning an abortion, please reconsider. Though your situation may seem hopeless, God will work something beautiful in your life if you trust and obey Him. Choosing to "remove" your problem will only create new ones. Shall I offer my firstborn for my transgression, the fruit of my body for the sin of my soul? Micah 6:7 You will have to bear the guilt of your abortion or else harden your heart to not feel guilty. God loves both you and your child very much, and if you feel incapable of raising him or her, there are thousands of couples who have waited years for the chance to adopt a baby. Though it may be difficult to give it away, you will have given it the greatest gift of all--life. As Mother Theresa put it so simply "love means to be willing to give until it hurts." Give your child to a family that will truly love it. You can make the dreams of a childless couple come true... and you can bless the heart of God.
If you have already had an abortion, please do not feel that this was written only to bring you under guilt and condemnation. What is done is done and cannot be changed. God has your child in heaven with Him, and longs to forgive you if you ask Him to. Once God forgives a sin, He literally forgets it, and DOES NOT HOLD IT AGAINST YOU ANY LONGER! Please do not hold against yourself what God has forgotten. Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I, even I am he who blots out your transgressions for my own sake, and remembers your sins no more. Isaiah 43:18, 25. Receive His love, for He loves you just as much as the child you lost. He already took your sin and bore it upon Himself so you would not have to bear the punishment, which would be eternal separation from Him. He knows the agony you've gone through better than any other, for He was there too, with you. Open your life to Him and let Him give you a crown of beauty instead of ashes, the oil of joy instead of mourning, and a garment of praise instead of the spirit of despair. He will make you into an oak of righteousness, a planting of the Lord for the display his splendor. Isaiah 61:3
In conclusion, the words of God ring out as clearly now as they did over 3,000 years ago:
This day I call heaven and earth as witnesses against you that I have set before you life and death, blessings and curses. Choose life so that you and your children may live, and that you may love the Lord your God, listen to his voice and hold fast to him. Deuteronomy 30:19-20
"Praise be to the LORD, for he showed his wonderful love to me when I was in a besieged city"...
(Psalm 31:21)
sorry for the wrong site i copied
here is the right one;
"Praise be to the LORD, for he showed his wonderful love to me when I was in a besieged city"...
(Psalm 31:21)
This thread entitled "Is it a Sin" was diverted to skin whitening then to Pinays marrying foreigners to get a better life.
1) Abortion
2) Skin Whitening
3) Marrying a foreigner
It is a sin if we base it on God's words bec it is the 5th Commandment of God "Thou Shalt not Kill". This is self explanatory.
It depends on "how" and "why" this happened. If the girl concerned has an abortion for the first time then perhaps she may be forgiven or pardoned for the why's and how's will be based on lack of knowledge about sex, immaturity, or maybe some other reasons. If she did it for the second time, then that is different. She will be regarded as "irresponsible". She should have learned from the past and should have known the consequences of her act. Filipinos will say "hinde na natutu"..(never learn)or "ka bobohan na yan"!(lack of knowledge or awareness of the outcome).
For Some they will base it on how they define LIFE. If this act was done and it is just few days old and if the mother's life will be put into danger if she pursue the pregnancy, then it is not a sin. There is a medical term for that.... DNC? in tagalog (raspa). This is done to cleanse the mother's uterus to remove whatever may harm her health.
2) Skin whitening. Some women prefers light brown (tan) skin than whiter skin. It doesn't matter what color of skin she has. Innerself and/or intellect (rational being)are based on how she converse to people, on how she view things, on how she cope up on a given situation (flexibility, adaptability) not on what color of skin she has. What is important is one should know how to carry oneself... Besides we all know this saying "Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder". No need to say what qualities she has because she will be judged by the person she is conversing with based on the total self (personality). Some people get easily attracted to women with whiter or fairer skin than the ones with brown skin (this is in the Phils) and vice versa if it is outside the Phils. Now after they got the chance to know the girl that is after he has talked to her, he will now come up to a decision or make assessment on her if she can relate to him in accordance to intelligence. Again we can't generalised this. Some men prefer the outer qualities. To each his own.
3) Filipinas marrying foreigners to have a better life. It maybe true to some. Some marry for love (mostly) and some marry for some other reasons. This is the same with foreigners marrying filipinas. Some marry for love(mostly) and some marry filipinas because they prefer the Philippines as the place for them to retire. They want and/or love that country and so they look for filipinas. Aside from filipinas are known for many good assets such as loving, takes good care of the home, faithful and can easily adapt to any given situation. Again this is not applicable to everyone. "Swertehan lang yan" (they are just lucky enough if these qualities are present in their partners).
" The people who mean something to your life are not rated "the best" don't have the most money, haven't won the greatest prizes....
They are the ones who care about you, take care of you, those who, no matter what, stay close by... "
The reason why most Filipinas want to have whiter skin is just because most people in the Philippines have darker skin. And for them white skin looks absolutely beautiful it is because it's not common in our country.
Just like here in England or in United States. Lots of white women want to have darker or tan skin, that's why they always go to beaches or warmer countries for sunbathing, which it will end up having an orange skin
That`s what you call a sermon Mrs.Happy now!
to loved and beloved is the greatest joy on earth...
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