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Thread: Joke to share

  1. #1
    Respected Member cheesewiz's Avatar
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    Joke to share


    born during the night

    -Andy Lim

    born blind

    -Kenneth Sy

    born fat

    -Bob Uy

    born tiny

    -Kathy Ting

    born different

    -Eva Yan

    born on Sunday

    -Ling Go

    born with a picture

    -Lara Hwan

    born with sweets

    -Ken Dy

    born normal

    -Nat Ting Wong

    born abnormal

    -Sam Ting Wong


    Waiter: What kind of coffee would you like, regular or decaf?
    Pinoy: No, Big cup!! Big cup!
    Waiter: What would you like for your breakfast?
    Pinoy: Hameneggs.
    Waiter: And how do you like your eggs, sir?
    Pinoy: Yes, tenkyu. I like dem beri much.
    Waiter: No sir, I mean how would you like them cooked?
    Pinoy: Yes, tenkyu. I wud like dem cooked.
    Waiter: (with increasing impatience) Would you like your eggs...fried? poached? hard boiled or soft boiled?
    Pinoy: (with increasing uneasiness) Yes, one fried en one hard boiled or sop boiled.
    Waiter: And what bread would you like?
    Pinoy: Begyurpardon?
    Waiter: What kind of bread would you like? white? rye? whole wheat? toast?
    Pinoy: Pan Americano

    Waiter: We don't have that.
    Pinoy: Okey, gib me taystee.
    Waiter: We don't have that either, sir.
    Pinoy: Do you heb pan de lemon or bonete?
    Waiter: Sir, you are wasting my time. I shall ask for the last time, what would you like for breakfast?
    Pinoy: Donut plis....


    What's the difference between corruption in the USA and corruption in the Philippines ?
    In the US , they go to jail. In the Philippines , they go to US!


  2. #2
    Respected Member Tawi2's Avatar
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    The waiter/customer scenario actually sounds true to life cheese

  3. #3
    Respected Member nigel's Avatar
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    There are 7 Planes Of Existance:

    7 — Material Plane: The earth, where you are right now.
    6 — Plane of Forces
    5 — Astral Plane
    4 — Mental Plane
    3 — Too mysterious to describe.
    2 — Too mysterious to describe.
    1 — Too mysterious to describe.

  4. #4
    Member lordfortesque's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by cheesewiz View Post

    born during the night

    -Andy Lim

    born blind

    -Kenneth Sy

    born fat

    -Bob Uy

    born tiny

    -Kathy Ting

    born different

    -Eva Yan

    born on Sunday

    -Ling Go

    born with a picture

    -Lara Hwan

    born with sweets

    -Ken Dy

    born normal

    -Nat Ting Wong

    born abnormal

    -Sam Ting Wong


    Waiter: What kind of coffee would you like, regular or decaf?
    Pinoy: No, Big cup!! Big cup!
    Waiter: What would you like for your breakfast?
    Pinoy: Hameneggs.
    Waiter: And how do you like your eggs, sir?
    Pinoy: Yes, tenkyu. I like dem beri much.
    Waiter: No sir, I mean how would you like them cooked?
    Pinoy: Yes, tenkyu. I wud like dem cooked.
    Waiter: (with increasing impatience) Would you like your eggs...fried? poached? hard boiled or soft boiled?
    Pinoy: (with increasing uneasiness) Yes, one fried en one hard boiled or sop boiled.
    Waiter: And what bread would you like?
    Pinoy: Begyurpardon?
    Waiter: What kind of bread would you like? white? rye? whole wheat? toast?
    Pinoy: Pan Americano

    Waiter: We don't have that.
    Pinoy: Okey, gib me taystee.
    Waiter: We don't have that either, sir.
    Pinoy: Do you heb pan de lemon or bonete?
    Waiter: Sir, you are wasting my time. I shall ask for the last time, what would you like for breakfast?
    Pinoy: Donut plis....


    What's the difference between corruption in the USA and corruption in the Philippines ?
    In the US , they go to jail. In the Philippines , they go to US!


    keep it clean

  5. #5
    eagles's Avatar
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    haaaaaaahaaaaaaaaaaahaaaaaaaaaaa. Liked the versatile "****" makes me understand such expression a lot better.....

  6. #6
    Respected Member jencha8569's Avatar
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    thats so funny and true..hehe thanks for sharing

  7. #7
    Respected Member ANDRES25's Avatar
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    Sssssssssssssssooooooooooooo funny!!!!!!!!!

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