Quote Originally Posted by Arthur Little View Post
Thanks for sharing these photos of your son with us, Tish. I've just been trying to count the number of candles on his birthday cake ... and can't quite determine whether it's 16 or 18. That's what becomes of mislaying my optician's biannual invitation to have my eyes re-tested!

I have to admit that the closest I ever came to military service was marching up and down a church hall as a member of the Boys' Brigade. And so I can empathise with your *trepidation over Jack's choice of career; *it's just natural motherly concern, after all. But everything will be fine ... honest! Besides, just imagine the immense pride you and his dad will feel in time ... on observing your "wee laddie's" rite of passage to fully-fledged manhood - proudly striding out dressed in his RAF uniform.
That was his last years birthday, so 17 candles in there :xxgrinning--00xxes 3:

And as well as fear, it's missing him more than anything
He's very close to me is our Jack (He's my third son BTW).

I don't think you need your eyes testing Arthur Little, it's the pic that's small
