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Thread: Kuwait,custums.

  1. #1
    Respected Member jimeve's Avatar
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    Wife's sister is working in Kuwait and her b/f who lives in London sent her a very expensive package, which included a large amount of cash.

    She got a letter from the customs saying they have scanned the package
    and know whats inside, and demanding $1,500 before they hand over the package.

    They haven't even met yet, only chat room and phone calls, He says, he loves her very much he says hes going to meet her next month, and wants to bring her back to England.

    This man has a business in London, and lives in a posh part in Surrey, going to Google his address after .

    My wife's worried, so is her sister, iv told her to Phone him up.

    Will let you know what happens.


  2. #2
    Respected Member Mrs Daddy's Avatar
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    I know they`re very strick in kuwait but i have never experienced recieving packages.I think she has left with no choice but to pay the customs.Amazing how you abide their law but they themselves refuses to abide the law when they go abroad (well,some of them).
    to loved and beloved is the greatest joy on earth...

  3. #3
    Respected Member jimeve's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mrs Daddy View Post
    I know they`re very strick in kuwait but i have never experienced recieving packages.I think she has left with no choice but to pay the customs.Amazing how you abide their law but they themselves refuses to abide the law when they go abroad (well,some of them).
    i'v just looked at my wifes emails, (naughty) but it seems like a very cleaver
    scam, Googled his home Address and looked down his street, only small town houses and blocks of flats, so not very posh. sending iphones laptop,perfume,
    gold neckless, 12 grand. lives in a flat,

    then theres the customs email address. Malaysia she's working in Kuwait, wtf.

    thats all i know of now, keep you posted

  4. #4
    Respected Member Tawi2's Avatar
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    Scam!Probably nigerian,they have one scam where you pay for a parcel upon delivery,they get the cash They have teams of guys doing marriage scams onlineWho sends 12k in a parcel,and who is naive enough to believe it Surrey is posh Jim I can go to the local high street and see edward woodward,Keith Baron,Once cliff richard,Seen Russ Abbot Not that they are really indicative of a good neighbourhood,but our council is reputedly the best in the country Which area of surrey did he claim to be from?

  5. #5
    Respected Member Bluebirdjones's Avatar
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    I'm with u ... a scam

    No-one sends that amount of cash in the post.
    ... and a gold necklace ? ... come on, get real !

    One (possible) way to check ...
    If it's true (which I doubt), he either sent by a courier company (DHL etc)
    or by registered post.
    Both provide a tracking number.
    Ask him to provide it ..... and try & enter it into the relevant site.
    No man is an island, but Barry is

  6. #6
    Respected Member Tawi2's Avatar
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    In west africa,sometimes Ghana,sometimes Sierra Leone,but mostly Nigeria theres rooms filled with computers,guys "Work" there all day looking for lonely women,they always pretend to be caucasians,always pretend to be businessmen,and their objective is simply to extort money from ladies by fraudulent means,type Nigerian Scam into Google,your innundated with pages Even the church are in on it nowadays

  7. #7
    Respected Member Tawi2's Avatar
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    I used to work with a guy,Nigerian,very smooth plausible sort of guy,I actually developed a decent rapport with him though he used to ruffle everyone elses feathers He dissapeared from the scene,I didnt see him for ages till one day there was a crime program on TV about a nigerian fraudster who had came here with nothing,and in 5 or 6 years had bought a palatial country mansion,I wasnt really watching the TV,it was just background noise till I heard the name of the guy being mentioned....................

  8. #8
    eagles's Avatar
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  9. #9
    Respected Member jimeve's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tawi2 View Post
    Scam!Probably nigerian,they have one scam where you pay for a parcel upon delivery,they get the cash They have teams of guys doing marriage scams onlineWho sends 12k in a parcel,and who is naive enough to believe it Surrey is posh Jim I can go to the local high street and see edward woodward,Keith Baron,Once cliff richard,Seen Russ Abbot Not that they are really indicative of a good neighbourhood,but our council is reputedly the best in the country Which area of surrey did he claim to be from?
    This is the area, he claims he's from.. Richmond, Surrey, but like I said before,
    looks ordinary. small town house and flats. dont want to give his exact address over the net. seen the factory he claims to have, its massive. just don't add up. I've already sent email warning to wifes sis in Kuwait. shes waiting from him now.

  10. #10
    Respected Member Tawi2's Avatar
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    Richmond is nice,the price of a small flat there will get you a detached three bed in the north,but forget this guy,its 100% a scam,no ones going to send all of those high value goods in a parcel,think about it,if somethings too good to be true it invariably is Also which businessman is stupid enough to stick £12,000 in a parcel?Doesnt add up.I phoned a number given to me a few years ago,lady was offered a job as a nanny in westminster,but she had to pay the guy 2 grand via western union?I phoned the number,it was a mobile,answered by a nigerian

  11. #11
    Respected Member Tawi2's Avatar
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    Get his phone number from her and phone,under the pretext of saying "Hi"

  12. #12
    Respected Member Tawi2's Avatar
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    Here you are Jim,exactly what your describing,Nigerian Parcel Scam,do a search,you turn up hundreds of them,I bet she has never chatted to this guy who professes his undying love to her cam-to-cam

  13. #13
    Respected Member jimeve's Avatar
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    my wife's just been chating to her, seems more and more like a scam.

    he sent her pics of him and his daughter, that could be any one I told her.

    shes crying on the phone to him, Ive no money to send the customs she says, he said i'am out of town, can't send any yet. you have two days to send the money.

    oh what a scammer, two months he's been contacting her. she can't see through it, she emailed the document. iam going to download it.

  14. #14
    Respected Member Tawi2's Avatar
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    Mental pressure "You have two days to pay the money" yeah right mate,get the number from her,its most likely a mobile-number,or if you have the address and guys name check out the electoral role,or phone up his "Factory" When I was based in the far east there were LOTS of nigerians,I was locked up in a cell in Tsim Sha Tsui one day with about 15 of them,they were all rounded up for credit card fraud,drug smuggling,stuff like that,but they tended to congregate in places like Chung King mansions on Nathan road because it was cheap and like a Ghetto,lots of pinays also lived there and the stories they told were incredible,of being duped and robbed by scammers,I used to think the women were crazy,but people believe what they want to believe,offer them the dream and they take it,just like your sis in law,this is 100% a scam,in fact I have a spare 12k lying around,I bet you

  15. #15
    Respected Member Tawi2's Avatar
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    He has only known her for 2 months and he is sending her 12k,a gold necklace,laptop computer,I-pod,cuddly toy,pots&pans,Kitchen sink Be serious,tell her to erase all details from her PC,and chalk this one up to experience before she loses $1500

  16. #16
    Respected Member jimeve's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tawi2 View Post
    He has only known her for 2 months and he is sending her 12k,a gold necklace,laptop computer,I-pod,cuddly toy,pots&pans,Kitchen sink Be serious,tell her to erase all details from her PC,and chalk this one up to experience before she loses $1500
    Already told her mate, she's still upset. if I get my hands on this geezer I

    will knock him out cold.

  17. #17
    Respected Member Tawi2's Avatar
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    Sadly mate she is just another name on a long list,he is probably sitting in a cyber-cafe somewhere in Lagos or Abuja,its nothing personal for these guys,its a job,they offer a vulnerable,single,impressionable woman everything she could ever want in life,wedding,husband,home children,then when he has them hooked he strikes just as you would when a fish takes your bait,its all smoke and mirrors sadly,an illusion,like I said its just a job for him,he isnt the one at the end left in tears

  18. #18
    Respected Member jimeve's Avatar
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    she will get over it. if any vulnerable Pinays out there take note, and learn.

    this is the Address he used for his so called factory..

    London Metropolitan Archives
    40 Northampton Road
    London EC14 0HB England.

    So beware.

    unless you want to trace a family member.

  19. #19
    Respected Member Tawi2's Avatar
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    Good job she didnt hand over the $1500,he might send her the odd mail claiming she has made a mistake then drip her when he realises no readies are forthcoming,she has never seen his face cam-to-cam,I can guarantee that,I saw one of these guys getting interviewed,he said they always pretend to be whites as women tend to trust westerners more,and they normally pretend to be affluent businessmen who have a sudden cash flow problem He just plucked that title from the net because it look official,it all lends an air of credibility to his schemes and machinations

  20. #20
    Respected Member jimeve's Avatar
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    Thanks for your support Tawi2. good job she has me as a friend lol if any thing else happens I know where to turn, and will let you know of this outcome.


  21. #21
    Respected Member Tawi2's Avatar
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    No probs Jim,just tell her to be careful,the nets filled with scammers,sex tourists and downright oddballs Scary sometimes,but it will be interesting to hear the conclusion to the tale,but tell her NEVER pay out cash without consulting you first,its hard to earn,easy to lose

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