Hi Mr. Johncar54,
Everything you have said is correct and can be read in the book or rather website. I have said in my previous posts that i have the same views as yours. I was just giving out my views based on facts. It happened to one filipina friend. She got annulled in the Phils then came over to UK on a fiancee visa. So that is the same as Shei situation(Ady's fiancee ).
This filipina went to Registrar's Office and had filled up the application form for civil marriage. Since she was annulled in the Phils she put there "annulled" as her status. After 2 days she received a call from the RG office and told her to come back and affix her signature on the correction made. The RG said sorry, it was her fault (she should have checked the application form).The annulled was changed into single. The RG office said they send the appl form to their Head Office to confirm and check if everything written is ok and accurate.
So there you go... That happened.. The wedding took place after 14 days.
Hope i had explained it well. I'm yawning as well....