Florge and Itsme

Sorry I don't want to appear to be splitting hairs but if you are in UK and you tell the authorities your marriage was annulled. It must be accepted that you are saying that as it relates to the Law of the UK. That is that the ceremony which appeared to be a marriage ceremony was not and that you were not married. In that case you are single.

If you say you were legally married anywhere and that the marriage was dissolved then any advice to show single would be incorrect. (If the true status was reported to the UK Registrar General his advice would be the same as mine. But as I said, if you told him your marriage was annulled, as per UK law, then you are single.)

If you are in UK then UK law applies. For example if a person over 16 married in say Spain to a person under that age, if they visited UK and slept together they would be open to prosecution for underage sex. Jerry Lee Lewis many years ago was legally married in USA (Kentucky I think) to a girl under 16. He was told if he visit UK with his wife he would be open to prosecution.

The law is fascinating and not always obvious. That's why people can earn their living interpreting it.

Apologies, but unless someone has a new angle, please forgive me, but I do not see how I can add anymore.
If you disagree with what I have said we must agree to differ.