In English law 'annulled' has only one meaning, 'the marriage never took place, thus it was never a marriage. In law it was void ab initio, or void from the beginning' Such a case would be where one of the parties was already married or where the person performing the marriage was not legally authorised to do so.

An annulment in the Philippines usually would the equivalent to a divorce in UK. in that the couple were legally married at sometime. It’s a sort of way around the Filipino law which does not permit something called divorce. However, a person with an annulment in the Philippines, who was legally married, cannot get married in the catholic church; a person whose ‘marriage’ has been declared void ab initio can, as they were never married.

For a person who has a Filipino annulment to declare themselves as single in UK would probably be incorrect. For example, when a divorced person gets married again, they are single but in law are divorced. To state single would not be a legal statement and probably could result in a prosecution.