
You diverted the issue to grounds for annulment. What are those that can be recognised as annulled by the Catholic Church.

I did not intend that.

I was trying to clarify what I had said previously as it appeared some contributors failed to understand what I meant. That was probably my fault not theirs.

My main theme was that if a person has in effect been legally married, they can never be correctly described as Single under UK law.

There is confusion in that the meaning of the word annulment in the UK and in Phil are different. Thus in UK one must use the UK meaning. If someone says, "My marriage was annulled." Then legally one would understand that to mean the marriage never took place in which case they are single. If one said, "My marriage was annulled in Philippines" for any reason other than one of those listed as being grounds in UK for an annulment, then they are in effect divorced. That is, if the 'annulment' had taken place in UK it would be a divorce not an annulment.

As for the reason for annulment accepted by the RC church, please see

wow (yawn yawn) this is getting so boring.