Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post

and for only 2wks, her ovulation was probably before or after your visits.
you need a few months together

its not luck you need, you probably just need more time together

i been to see my misses 8 times, and she didn't get preggy until we had been living together a few months (but having a 6yr old around didn't help, and other problems we had didn't help )

but when we least expected it .. little foetus joe pops up and hes was the best surprise ever

WoW!! Amazing

So there is hope for us yet lol
Is nice to see, that I'm not the only one up early
Am doing my late shift at the Airport too
I am one of the lucky few that loves his job of over 19 years.
Though I work in the travel industry, I still pay full fare for my flights, to ensure I don't fly standby, but this will be my 4th visit in a year, lol
It has been said on this forum that we need more time together, but my visit dates have been staggered!
I suppose it's just as well 'till my divorce comes through, as her mum does not like me very much coz of this.
Then again, she is an angry bitter woman.
I bet if i look under her hair when she's sleeping I will see 666 tattooed on her head

Still, whatrver happens Roni will be here with me next year