Quote Originally Posted by Fitzy View Post
Is nice to see, that I'm not the only one up early
Am doing my late shift at the Airport too
I am one of the lucky few that loves his job of over 19 years.
Though I work in the travel industry, I still pay full fare for my flights, to ensure I don't fly standby, but this will be my 4th visit in a year, lol
It has been said on this forum that we need more time together, but my visit dates have been staggered!
I suppose it's just as well 'till my divorce comes through, as her mum does not like me very much coz of this.
Then again, she is an angry bitter woman.
I bet if i look under her hair when she's sleeping I will see 666 tattooed on her head

Still, whatrver happens Roni will be here with me next year
me and the misses have been up since 4:30am, she's suppose to be studying for a big final exam next week , but is doing everything but studying - as little joe woke up the same time

don't like me job, even worse cannot stand a couple of people i work with

at least your g/f's mom didn't send you a letter telling you to most mother in laws, their bark is worse than their bite !

it was written nicely thou , shes ok now, just didn't want her daughter hurt. thou we are coming up to being married 7yrs, and that's a number thats haunted me

we've not been to the phils for more than 4yrs, maybe later on this year