Thank you dear.
I have developed a taste for a little red wine, have really really cut down on smoking and take nicotine suppliment, am starting to eat more fruits and fresh vegetables, but to honestly say, my diet is pretty healthy.
I go to the gym 5 times a week, and basically keep pretty healthy.
Roni is my best friend, and more, and I will marry her soon enough.
She is my life, and I hers, and we would love a baby pretty soo.
Secretly, I wd love another little Roni, with her mums cute little nose.
Roni says that she is jealous, and loves my white skin, but she is so very beautiful.
I don't quite know what you filipinas like about us whities hehehehehehe
I was looking here, and will go to my local chinese herbalist to see what can be done, as I believe in this medicine.
Thank you so much for your help.