Quote Originally Posted by lost_bulak View Post
...i mean mother-in-law. How is your relationship with your mother-in-law? My mother-in-law is getting on my nerves into the highest level! It's not that we argue all the time because I try to control my temper as possible as I can. As some of you know, I had my first baby 6 weeks ago and my mother-in-law acts as if she owns my baby. In her eyes everything I do is wrong and everything she does/says is right. I have my own ways of bringing up my child, not the way she wants it. Like for example, when my baby was 4 weeks old she was insisting (actually up to this day) that I should try putting rusks in his bottle so he would sleep longer at night-as if she was the one waking up in the middle of the night feeding my baby. i wouldn't risk my baby just for an extra hours of sleep so i said to her he's too young.

Plus one day when we went round to her place and she was eating ginger biscuit she almost put it into my baby's mouth-good thing i stopped her. She was saying that i should introduce my baby to different tastes as early as possible so he wouldn't be picky when he grows up. AAaaaahhhh!!! See what I am putting up with? Sorry guys if i am moaning, i have to get these out of my chest or else i would explode ! I can still go on and on but I have to stop now or else you'll get bored.
Well, i've been here for 2 months and so far i can say, my mother in law is the best She's really nice and supportive, very much motherly. But i guess unlike you, we still have nothing to disagree about since there's still no baby around, lol. And i can understand how you must be feeling and that there are certain things you want done for your baby your way. On the otherhand, maybe your mother in law was just too excited and ecstatic about having a new grandchild so she sometimes forget she's meddling too much with your baby. Try harder to get along with your mother in law and be more patient and let her enjoy her grandchild but at thesame time, you have to set limits on how far she can meddle and you can tell her nicely about how you want to raise your baby and that you are open for any of her suggestions but ultimately, its your decision in the end. After all, you're the mother, so it's definitely your call