It will be too hard for you to be with in-laws if there's already baby for sure as they have different ways on bringing up kids. Do not be shy to tell her what's inside of you, your feeling. They are open minded. Just be polite and tell your hubby about this. If you can't handle anymore, tell your hubby to find a place for you.

I'll be 3 years living with them and so far, I can get on with them. If there's problem between them, I sit beside her and talk with her, I am never shy to tell her I'm upset or something and one time she cried and asked for apology. So I did cry too as I hate to see elderlies crying. Since then I didn't make her cry anymore. Hubby always tells his Mom to treat me like her own daughter and so do I.

Hubby always away and Mom is my best friend at home. She buys everything I need and told her I really feel shy making me spoiled. When I went home last year, she gave me 250£ pocket money. In return, I just buy something for her everytime I go out for shopping.