Quote Originally Posted by adam&chryss View Post
Well it`s not good to have a mum-in-law like that.
We were told to breast feed for as long as possible and that formula fed babies slept for longer cos their bodies cant digest it so well.
6 months is the age to introduce solids and i`m not sure whether a babies body is ready for anything other than milk until then.
My son who is now 15 was breastfed till he was 9 months, i became so sore coz he was hungry all the time, my friends suggested rusk at 3 months old, i told her it was a bit early, at 3 and half months i went to my GP and asked about things i could do to make him settle at night, she suggested baby rice and rusks. I started feeding him at 4 months, i just mix the baby rice or the rusk in breast milk. After that he slept the night. At 5 months I was feeding him veg, potatoes and meat that i put in the blender. I think that we do what we think is right for our babies. It didnt do him any harm that I started him early on solids. He is now a healthy boy, doing so well, a straight A student hahaha sorry I just like bragging about that!

To all you new mums out there, enjoy every moment with your babies, they all grow up so fast