...i mean mother-in-law. How is your relationship with your mother-in-law? My mother-in-law is getting on my nerves into the highest level! It's not that we argue all the time because I try to control my temper as possible as I can. As some of you know, I had my first baby 6 weeks ago and my mother-in-law acts as if she owns my baby. In her eyes everything I do is wrong and everything she does/says is right. I have my own ways of bringing up my child, not the way she wants it. Like for example, when my baby was 4 weeks old she was insisting (actually up to this day) that I should try putting rusks in his bottle so he would sleep longer at night-as if she was the one waking up in the middle of the night feeding my baby. i wouldn't risk my baby just for an extra hours of sleep so i said to her he's too young.
Plus one day when we went round to her place and she was eating ginger biscuit she almost put it into my baby's mouth-good thing i stopped her. She was saying that i should introduce my baby to different tastes as early as possible so he wouldn't be picky when he grows up. AAaaaahhhh!!! See what I am putting up with? Sorry guys if i am moaning, i have to get these out of my chest or else i would explode

! I can still go on and on but I have to stop now or else you'll get bored.