Quote Originally Posted by Florge View Post

So, for the new users of internet, I hope you will still be mindful of the netiquette rules so as not to create havoc in this virtual world that we all love. Some may tell me "*******s" to what I am saying here.. but, it would still be nice if we will act nicely and more decently, even in the world wide web... as behind these icons and texts, are human users... nothing to lose if we play nice, right?

Very well said, Florge and you really explain it well. Hope all the forumist should now understand how to use the icons properly. So that, no more misunderstanding between the senders and the receivers.

Quote Originally Posted by Pepe n Pilar View Post
You certainly got it right!....Very well said Florge!...We, the internet users should be aware of the words, icons and punctuation marks we read/see in the message. Netiquette rules should not be disregarded or ignored. It is like in our Communication subject, the punctuation marks does a great impact in a sentence. We don't hear how words are being said here and so by means of these icons and punctuation marks, we will know or feel how the message is being conveyed to us.
We all know the icons created in this forum has help us all so we could express more of what we wanted to say to the recipient. So use icons appropriately..

Very true, P&P. Some of us here, use/used icons even thought it's not appropriate to what they wanted to say. They must use the icons appropriately so that, they can convey the message well and so that receivers can understand them properly.

Quote Originally Posted by Sophie View Post
It’s not about ganging up on her Juliet…..It’s about trying to right a wrong
And as you said, she is just a kid, so she doesn’t know any better
And we as adults, its our responsibility to correct and point out to her if she’s going a bit too far,
its for her own good, otherwise if we let her be, then she will carry on like that
and she might end up messing with the wrong person later on, and get her in more trouble….
By this time, she should know better…
You should understand this Juliet, as you did thesame to fatedtoloveyou
when she was so mean and rude on her posts at NVQ thread….
and if I remember it correctly, there were a few not so nice words exchanged there too,
which is completely understandable because clearly, she is rude and mean as well and winding up some members….

And for what its worth, we never argued with woman in love, we just spoke once and that’s it….
And it’s not our intention to pick a fight, we just said what we feel is necessary
and i suppose we are entitled to our opinion as much as everyone else here…
Nothing personal, just trying to be an adult and teaching a kid to be nice on her posts, that’s just our intentions
and I’m more referring to her posts to strangemikan before, and skinny English guy yesterday,
this people were nice and in good faith and never said anything wrong and she misjudged them and criticized them impartially…….
and her argument with BAB just started because BAB stood up for skinny English guy who was being judged unfairly by her

We have to play fair here…..give credit to what is due and discredit what is bad……
And i find "ganging up on her" accusation a bit more of an impartial judgement
because clearly that is never the intention and i just want to stress and reiterate that.....

You said it all Sophie, loud and clear.

Quote Originally Posted by Mrs.JMajor View Post
OK Sophie, but we had Administrator here as well as Moderator to read all our post,

Who can decide or say what is good nor bad to anyone

Very true, we have the Admin and the Moderators. But we should as well, act as Moderators to ourselve. We should guard ourselves on what we say and do.

Quote Originally Posted by Mrs.JMajor View Post
As we are not in the position to judge anyone......
Again, very true. We're not in the position to judge and we're not judging anyone here. We're only replying to a certain post. Don't be so blind and deaf to what the person said. She said too much and she's jumped to the throat.