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  1. #1
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    New Kodak Printer

    I am planning to buy a printer for hubby as his Lexmark looks knackered and need to be changed.
    In the Philippines, I used HP 3-in one and was good. But the cost of ink is a fortune.
    There's new Kodak 3-in one that tells you can save money for ink as the cost of ink is cheaper. The price of the printer is quite expensive but you can save on ink.

    Is there anybody here who are using Kodak 3-in one? I knew that Kodak is specialized in manufacturing camera but not sure how good is their printer.

    Advise will be highly appreciated.

  2. #2
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    I recommend Epson sx-400.

    I had one from my son as a Christmas present and it is outstanding, much better than the Series of Lexmarks I have been using for a few years.

    The ink is slightly cheaper than others, and it is not advised to use refilled cartridges, as the dodgy ink may damage the nozzles.
    Which is the same recommendation for all makes of printers really.

    Good luck in your search.

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by aromulus View Post
    I recommend Epson sx-400.

    I had one from my son as a Christmas present and it is outstanding, much better than the Series of Lexmarks I have been using for a few years.

    The ink is slightly cheaper than others, and it is not advised to use refilled cartridges, as the dodgy ink may damage the nozzles.
    Which is the same recommendation for all makes of printers really.

    Good luck in your search.
    Thanks Mod,
    We'll check today about Epson Printer. I don't use refill in my past printer too as it damage the printer head.

  4. #4
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    i have the epson sx405,its a good printer but must admit,in the past when the ink has run out ,rather than buy new ink for it which is normally about 40 quid, ive just replaced the printer because, if you look about you can get printer and ink deals from the likes of pc world and currys, i think theres 3 printers in the cupboard here and one is a lexmark the others are epson, so i must like the epson brand better

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by jimcarie View Post
    i have the epson sx405,its a good printer but must admit,in the past when the ink has run out ,rather than buy new ink for it which is normally about 40 quid, ive just replaced the printer because, if you look about you can get printer and ink deals from the likes of pc world and currys, i think theres 3 printers in the cupboard here and one is a lexmark the others are epson, so i must like the epson brand better
    I found an Epson brand 4 cartridge refill pack, for 19 quid.
    Shopping around pays.

  6. #6
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jimcarie View Post
    i have the epson sx405,its a good printer but must admit,in the past when the ink has run out ,rather than buy new ink for it which is normally about 40 quid, ive just replaced the printer because, if you look about you can get printer and ink deals from the likes of pc world and currys, i think theres 3 printers in the cupboard here and one is a lexmark the others are epson, so i must like the epson brand better
    the only thing is when you buy a new printer, most of them have starter ink cartridges/toners cartridges in them, so they don't last long

    the manufacturer makes most of the money selling cartridges not from the printer. so they try their best to prevent people refilling them using smart chips and making it difficult for people to physically refill them.

    from what I've seen, most hp all in ones are better than most canon and epsons all in ones, HP don't use a fixed print head (so you dont have to throw it away if the nozzles get blocked), as the print heads are built in the ink cartridge or use a separate print head.

    depends on what you want to use the printer for, but you can buy cheap second hand good color laser printers now (from ebay), that's all i use to print photos, books, etc

  7. #7
    Respected Member somebody's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    the only thing is when you buy a new printer, most of them have starter ink cartridges/toners cartridges in them, so they don't last long

    the manufacturer makes most of the money selling cartridges not from the printer. so they try their best to prevent people refilling them using smart chips and making it difficult for people to physically refill them.

    from what I've seen, most hp all in ones are better than most canon and epsons all in ones, HP don't use a fixed print head (so you dont have to throw it away if the nozzles get blocked), as the print heads are built in the ink cartridge or use a separate print head.

    depends on what you want to use the printer for, but you can buy cheap second hand good color laser printers now (from ebay), that's all i use to print photos, books, etc

    Word, all about the consumables. Really worth doing some research on this subject. Some chips can be poped ahem (while some brands i understand it renders the catridge no good, others will keep on working)

    HP due to the huge amount businesses use are good value I find.

    Defintely worth seeing if you can get a good one second hand. A local 2nd hand electrical shop has started selling toner based office printers. One cartridge/s might provide thousands of prints if typical coverage. For the avg household that will last years. Also the paper you can use is normally cheaper They also from what i hear can be easier to repair (im sure Joe will know if true or not)
    Toner based units also dont need to be in constant use or needs heads flsuhing which very few people i know do. When I get asked (because i work in IT bit like asking a car designer to fix a tractor but my pleasure) Half the time I read the instructions and go though the alignment and head cleaning which people don't like to do as it costs ink.
    My Dad had a lemark or something which must have had the same cartridge refilled tens of times.

    Never go on intial cost of printer

    Also some some just use CMY ink using all three to make black (AVOID unless you have expert advice saying otherwise)

    Also before printing check what your printing.

    With a webpage do you just need the texts or pictures. Getting rid of the websites border of solid colour can help a lot. Just cut and paste if you can. If you simply need the map on a website. See if you can edit it before printing.

    If you need to print full coverage or a large amount check with a local print shop it may be cheaper to let them do it. Remeber if the printer jams or mucks its their problem. Its faster if the copy quality not right then you can get another copy free of charge.

    For example we printed out 3 sets of citzenship forms and the guide and a few other documents relating to the application my Wife was making.
    Using a laser printer it took it in its stride copies were consistent from seeing examples on Inkjets when people bring in CV's and work examples, ink jets struggle and most likely used a whole cartridge.

    In fact at work I now offer people to be interviewed or coming for meetings the chance to bring in on USB, Disk or email over if easier which we print out for them if we need to or take a copy and save to our pc's. So worth checking if the company your applying to or need to send documents is happy to do this.
    Oh lord why did you make so many clothes and shoe shops

  8. #8
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by aromulus View Post
    I recommend Epson sx-400.

    I had one from my son as a Christmas present and it is outstanding, much better than the Series of Lexmarks I have been using for a few years.

    The ink is slightly cheaper than others, and it is not advised to use refilled cartridges, as the dodgy ink may damage the nozzles.
    Which is the same recommendation for all makes of printers really.

    Good luck in your search.
    dom they are
    sx100, sx200 and sx400 can suffer from what you said, blocked nozzles

    at work we get 100s of them a month that have been returned,

  9. #9
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    You'll find Brother printers are the cheapest to run, Kodak just 'bend' the stats.

    Should be around £55
    Keith - Administrator

  10. #10
    Respected Member Sim11UK's Avatar
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    I've got a Kodak 5300 printer. Don't use it that often, but the ink is reasonably cheap as far as they go...Think it was £14.99 for a black + colour cartridge.

  11. #11
    Respected Member sunshine's Avatar
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    I recommend Epson printers, it's so cheap to run

    I been using refill cartridges for my Epson printer for couple of years now but my printer still running good Lucky a

  12. #12
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    Epson have built in software to render the machine useless after so many prints, and God help you if you use non-Epson ink in them!!!

    Lexmark are terrible. HP & Canon aren't bad.
    Keith - Administrator

  13. #13
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    Thanks to all

    We bought Kodak 3-in-one yesterday.

    Epson cost 117£ and not in my budget.
    Kodak cost 70£ +15£ ink (black and white)

    So far so good

  14. #14
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    Avoid any that have all 3 colours in 1 cartridge, which rules out a lot of cheap printers except brother.
    Keith - Administrator

  15. #15
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    andy i just scanned my misses citizenship cert and printed it out on a old hp 4650 color laser printer (you can get them for about £100+ now off the bay). sure the toner cost alot more than a ink cartridge, but you get *100 more use out of them

    i showed the cert to the misses, it was pretty difficult to tell which was the original (so anyone wants one in their own name ... just joking ), same with the misses life in uk cert, i did the same and couldn't tell which was the original, when i had to send it

    but don't buy a printer that uses separate print heads (like the hp k550 etc) it will cost you so much to buy a new set of print heads and ink carts (probably £150 ) less than you would pay for the printer

    epsons do suffer blocked nozzles, like i said at work we get 100s of them a month and they are just not worth trying to clean the print head, it uses up all the ink , sure after a few ink carts you might get a decent print.

    but for me, you cant beat a color laser printer

    but checkout if you can buy a CIS (continous ink system) for your printer, uses bottles of ink, which could save you a lot of money if you use it alot like these

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