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Thread: Schengen (Spain) how long resident before spouse visa can be obtained

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  1. #1
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    Schengen (Spain) how long resident before spouse visa can be obtained

    I have been asked by a Filipina how long does an E U citizen need to be living in Spain before their spouse can obtain a visa to join them?

    The position is that a UK citizen having looked at the UK system for a spouse to join their partner in UK is now considering becoming resident in Spain so that they can be together here.

    I would be grateful to hear from anyone who has done this in a Schengen Area country. It may also be an option for others.

  2. #2
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    are they married ? if so

    then he could use the Surinder Singh Route, In order to use the Surinder Singh route, you would need to be economically active in another EU state ..... employed or self-employed person, as managing a business, or as a work seeker., i think they need to be in the other country for 3 months or more..

  3. #3
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    Thanks for that bit of info.

    Its an 'interesting' piece and confirms that I might stand a better chance of getting my wife to UK if I take up Spanish Nationality.

    In our case through, my wife has been in Spain for a little over 2 years, As a Filipina she can apply for Spanish citizenship after 2 years instead of the normal 10 years.

    She is now on the point of applying for Spanish Nationality. Although it will take a long time, maybe 2 to 3 years to get her passport, she will then be able to go to UK and almost anywhere else.

    Seems crazy that when the Spanish give her a passport the UK will let her in, and she will have the right to live there, but as just my wife she has no chance!

  4. #4
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    better chance of getting your wife to the uk? for a visit or to live here permanently ?

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    better chance of getting your wife to the uk? for a visit or to live here permanently ?
    Sorry I did not quite understand what you meant, but maybe this will answer it.

    At present if my wife wants to go to UK even for a weekend with me, or even for us to go shopping in Gibraltar, she must make an appointment at British Consul, 350 miles away in Madrid, submit an application with details of up to 300 'close relatives' (300 as the consul says cousins are include in 'close relatives) attend a long interview, pay 100 euros (150 for Gib) have someone in UK vouch for her, I cannot do that. Its a two day process, so an overnight stay as well. Even with all that she might be refused.

    Our Filipina friend, who is single but has her Spanish passport, can go the UK or Gib without any restrictions and can live and work there as a right.

  6. #6
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    I see, i was asking if you wanted to live in the uk permanently, of course a bit of a stupid question because why would you leave Spain to come here

    yes getting your misses a Spanish passport seems the best answer

  7. #7
    Respected Member
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    I see, i was asking if you wanted to live in the uk permanently, of course a bit of a stupid question because why would you leave Spain to come here

    Joe, hole in one mate.

    If I never see the UK again that will be too soon. Anyway, I prefer to live here with Brits.

    ( Sorry, that might sound a bit racist, but as I live in Spain, am married to a Pinay, and I am trying to 'sign up all my mates' to one, you will see it was just a silly joke.)

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